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A week and a half has passed, and we are halfway through our journey. I am counting days until we reach Mosvil, and I am exhausted. I want this journey to end as soon as possible. The only thing which had me going is that once I reach Mosvil, I won't have to travel again in my life. I had decided I hate traveling.

My back is hurting as well as my legs because of sitting for too long on the horse. We only stop at night or once in a day to eat or to take rest. Other than that, we keep going.

Everyone else is fine, maybe because they are used to traveling. These days, I also stay silent. Only Louis talks with me, and I just reply with yes or no. Once in a while, Grizzly would speak to me, but other than then, nobody talks to me. They only talked to me when they would need food.

But the person whose silence bothers me the most is Beast. It's as if he is ignoring me purposely, and I don't understand why. He won't smile at me anymore or even glance at me, at least not when I am glancing at him.

Whenever I tried to talk to him, he would not talk to me. He will take food from me silently without even a single glance my way. It's as if we don't know each other. At night, we share the same tent, but he would come after I sleep and would leave before I wake.

One night I waited for him so that I could ask him what I did wrong but he got annoyed and since that night he don't come to the tent at all, I don't know where he sleep throughout the night.

I looked ahead where he was leading us all, I could only see his back from here. Serpent was whispering to him something, but then his voice got loud.

"Why do we have to go to Mosvil?" He yelled, annoyed, and I tensed. They are going first to Mosvil, and I know why Beast wants to go there. He wants to get rid of me as soon as possible, not that I am complaining, but something in my heart hurts.

"I don't understand. We can buy supplies from Smallville, which is close by. Then why do we have to go all the way to Mosvil. What's in Mosvil?" Serpent asked angrily and with a little curiosity. Beast signed something back at which Serpent only huffed back.

"Fine!" He scoffed.

"We are heading to Mosvil to get the supplies." He announced loudly, as some men displayed their annoyance where as some stayed silent, as if it's not something of importance.

"Only two days left." Louis muttered sadly, I gazed at him with a sad smile.

"I know!" I said.


It was nighttime as we stopped to get some rest and to eat. I made food for everyone, and as always beast, was I the last one to come and eat that too away from anyone.

As I was eating, my gaze would continuously fall on him, but he won't even look back at him. I am sure he must have felt my gaze on him. As I looked up again to gaze at him, my vision was blocked by Serpent, who stood in between us. He raised his brow at me when I looked at him. I shook my head lightly and looked down.

After eating, I and Louis washed all the plates. Everyone has already gone to sleep, but I wasn't sleepy, so I decided to stay out a little bit. I was sitting by the fire gazing at the bright moon. It was getting cold as winter's were approaching. I rubbed my arms as I felt cold breeze passing through me. The fire was almost gone, but I didn't move.

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