Chapter 23

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Hey guys, so I just reread the first chapter of his flower  and realized that some where in the story I changed Brents name to Brett... and there are a crap tone of mistakes in the first few chapters so I'm gonna clear some stuff up real fast.

1. The plot for His Flower has changed dramatically since I first started to right it so I will be going back in the first couple of chapter to make Rosalyns attitude match that of how she is now.

2. I like Brett better than Brent so I will be going back through the chapters and changing his name to Brett (unless you guys like Brent better, let me know).

3. There are a CRAP tone of grammar errors and mistakes in the first few chapters that I will be editing with everything else.

So Thank you guys for sticking with me for so long and reading my stories!! I hope you enjoy this chapter and please comment, vote, and follow! It will make my day! And I'm sorry for any errors just point them out for me and I'll fix them!



Chapter 23

       I woke up to my alarm clock three hours later. My neck was stiff and my back ached from the hard wood floor, but I pushed all the pain aside and stood up on shaky feet. The unused bottle of medication was still grasped in my hand and I let it drop to the floor with a loud "thump".

       It was useless.

       I dragged my aching body across the hall and hopped into a hot shower. If anything the heat soothed my aching muscles, and I didn't want to leave. I groaned what felt like forever later and turned the water off before drying off and pulling on my clothes for school.

       It was only seven in the morning and I still had an hour before I had to leave, but I didn't want to try and sit still. The shower only soothed my aching limbs while I was under the water, and all the pain came back tenfold as I walked down the hall. I carefully climbed down the stairs and walked into the kitchen where I swallowed two pills of Ibuprofen.

       Hopefully, that will make the pain stop.

       I sighed in aggravation when I heard the mail truck drive by and dragged my heavy, and exhausted, body to the front door. I might as well go get the mail, it will keep my body distracted from everything else.

       I did not want to think about last night. I didn't want to think about how I snapped at Rex, or how I slammed the door in his face. I didn't want to think about how mad he probably was at me, or how he would most likely never want to talk to me again.

       I just wanted to tune out all those thoughts and pretend that nothing happened. I wanted to pretend that when I got to school he would be there waiting for me with that small smile on his lips that he usually only saved for me, and that he would throw his arm around my shoulders and walk me to class... But I couldn't pretend that the sickening feeling of regret and guilt in my stomach wasn't there.

       Rex wouldn't be there waiting for me, and he would probably never smile at me again.

       However, when I opened the door and my foot connected with a solid body, and I nearly screamed my head off, all of those depressing thoughts flew from my mind. "Rex...?" The beautiful body of the boy I cared for stretched like a cat as I moved my foot away from his hard side.

       He yawned and blinked his dark chestnut eyes up at me sleepily as I took a step back in shock. "Hey Roza." That small smile I was so sure I would never see again slowly etched across his face and caused my heart to flutter rapidly in my chest.

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