Chapter 29

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Hey guys!

PERSONALLY, I feel like this chapter is long as fudge. With that being said I pretty much wrote it in a day so there will probably be a LOT of grammar and editing error. I'M SO FREAKING SORRY! I will more than likely go back over this chapter in the future and fix them, but for now if your one of those people who like points out errors please go ahead. I promise I will not hate you... much. LOL.

P.S. I find it rather hard to right climatic parts of my books, so this chapter might not be any good to yall, and for that I'm sorry :(

ANYWAYS, please enjoy ;D

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LOVE you awesome people :D!

LOVE you awesome people :D!

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Rex's confession ;)


Chapter 29

I was running out of Luce's room and down the stairs not a second later. I could feel anger swell up inside me and a fire burning behind my eyes that I had not felt in a very long time. But most of all, I was worried. Something wasn't right. Rex wouldn't just cry for nothing. He wouldn't have kissed me for nothing.

And that kiss... no matter how long I had waited for it, no matter how many times my brain swam with thousands of thoughts and daydreams about us kissing, that kiss felt wrong. It wasn't a kiss of longing and passion like I wanted so bad.

It was a goodbye kiss.

And that scared the fudge out of me.

I didn't even think as I ran full speed into the living room and slammed open the drawer behind the bar my dad never used. I grabbed the heavy object without a second thought and shoved it into my backpack. I don't know what made me grab it. I don't even know what was running through my head at the time. I'll I knew was that I had a bad feeling I would be needing it.

I threw my backpack over my shoulder and grabbed my dad's keys to his jeep off the counter. There was no way in H-E-double hockey sticks that I was going to let the boy my world revolve around and my friends go through whatever the frick this was alone. I was going to find out what was going on, and I was going to pull Rex out of whatever trouble he got himself into.

I can't let that goodbye be permanent.

He's my everything, my world. Without him I am nothing.

I locked the front door behind me and turned around just in time to see Rex's car speed out of the neighborhood. Crap, crappity, crap, crap. I placed my bag in the passenger seat gently, but shoved the key in the ignition and sped out of my drive way like speed racer.

I cast a quick glance at Trey's house to see Brett's car parked there, but Trey's giant SUV was gone, and I knew, I just knew that they had went with Rex to where ever they were going. I tried to follow his car, I really did, but as soon as I turned out of the neighborhood and onto the main street I couldn't find him anywhere.

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