Chapter 36

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Hey guys! 

Don't forget to send me pics, songs, covers, or whatever that reminds you of the characters!

Sorry for any grammar and editing mistakes!

Enjoy <3

P.s. I thought the picture above was PERF for this chappy!


Chapter 36

       "So, I was thinking..."

       Uh oh.

       Hearing Jax say that was never good. Those four words got him into a lot of trouble when we were still in the system. I glanced up from the dirty dishes just long enough to cast him an uneasy glance. "About what?" I asked against my better judgement.

       I dropped the majority of my attention back to the dishes I was cleaning as he leaned lazily against the counter beside me. His hands were playing with the ends of the dish towel on the counter while I was elbow deep in dish water and soap.

       Trey was over at the Dimajio's with Brett to see how Denton was doing and Rex...

       Rex was angrily leaning against the kitchen wall behind us. His arms crossed firmly over his thick chest and his beautiful dark eyes glared holes back and forth between Jax and mine's back. He hadn't said a word since the blonde jock got here.

       I would have been upset if the situation wasn't so funny.

       "You know how I dropped out of school last year?"

       I hummed my response as I scrubbed the food off the glass plates.

       "Well I was thinking I could enroll at your school and finish up, you know?"

       My head shot up at his words and the anxious look in his eyes pulled a smile from me. "That's actually an awesome idea Jax!" His worried look turned into a smile as he reached up and patted my head.

       "Good, that gives me an excuse to keep an eye on you." His words were teasing, but I wasn't surprised at his serious tone. Despite everything that happened between he, Rex, and I the other day, the phone call problem had put him on edge as much as everyone else.

       "And I think I'll go watch some TV before lover boy tries to kill me." This time even his tone was teasing and he sent me a sneaky wink before pushing his giant form off the counter and sauntering toward the living room entrance.

       "Maybe you and I can even car pool together!" Jax laughed as he passed the boy I loved. Rex actually snarled a growl at him, but didn't say anything as the snickering blonde walked into the safety of the living room.

       Rex took Jax's spot as soon as he left the kitchen and I watched from the corner of my eye as he picked up a dish towel to start drying the dishes. He stayed silent, but my heart soared at the action. He wasn't lazy like Jax, and although I knew my friend cared about me, Rex was always doing everything he could to help.

       We both stayed silent as I finished the dishes and dried my hands before leaning against the counter to watch him put the last clean ones away. A frown pulled at my lips as I watched his tense shoulders and clenched jaw. He wasn't happy. He wasn't furious, but he definitely wasn't happy.

       I jumped slightly as I felt the familiar weight of his thick arms wrapping around my waist. I didn't even notice he had stepped in front of me... "I'm not mad." He murmured as he tucked me under his chest, like I belonged there.

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