Chapter 13

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"Alright. Security said they'll try to send someone over but may not be able to get to us for a couple of hours at max. They're dealing with drunk students coming back to campus," Tom said after setting his phone down. He set his elbows on the desk and began rubbing his temples with his thumbs.

"What? Are you serious? What if one of us was dying in here? And don't they have security all over campus?"

He shook his head. "They said if there was an emergency to call nine-one-one. And it seems like it's a busy night on the first weekend back at school."

Lexi laughed incredulously and set her arms and head down on the desk in front of her. "This is just great. What are we going to do here?"

Tom turned his head toward Lexi and clenched his jaw before shrugging. About a moment of silence ensued and she was itching to know what was going through his mind. "Is everything-" she started to say, but then quickly stopped when Tom spoke at the same time.

"So, what made you-" he said before stopping too. They both let out a breathy laugh through their noses.

"You go first." She smiled and leaned back in the comfortable desk chair while turning to face him.

"I was just going to ask, what made you get into Computer Science?"

"Oh. I, uh, I've always been really good with computers." Lexi paused. It wasn't the whole truth but there was still a lot of truth in what she was saying. "Ever since I was a kid, I soaked up as much as I could when it came to software and learning the ins and outs of coding. My family taught me a lot to start, but then I spent a lot of time teaching myself as much as I could. I was homeschooled so my parents were flexible on what my brother and I wanted to learn about."

"Have you built any software?"

"Tons. I'm always building new stuff and have a long list of past projects."

"That's cool," Tom said genuinely.

"What about you? What made you want to go into the field?" Lexi asked as she shifted her mini skirt so she wasn't accidentally flashing Tom.

"Honestly, I had a similar upbringing. Taught myself a lot and just sort of went from there. I came from working in the private sector before taking this teaching job. So far, it's been great." He paused a moment before a mischievous smirk graced his firm lips. "Except for this one pain in the ass student who seems to want to get me into trouble."

"Oh?" Lexi asked innocently. "What kind of trouble is this beautiful, smart, vivacious, young student getting you in?" She smiled back at him.

"Funny. I don't remember using any of those adjectives."

"Oh oops. Sorry, I just assumed you were talking about me." Lexi bit her bottom lip to try to stifle her smile, but it proved unsuccessful.

Tom chuckled and rolled his neck. He took a deep breath before speaking in an almost whisper, "You know, I still can't believe I'm the first person you've-" He stopped abruptly. By the look on his face, it seemed as if he caught himself from stumbling forward. "I-uh, I just." He paused again. "Never mind. I don't really know what I'm saying."

"Tom, I don't mind talking about the kiss. I know we said we'd forget it happened but I'm borderline drunk so you can ask me anything and I'd probably tell you." Lexi laughed at her own expense.

Tom chuckled and shook his head. "Drunk or not drunk, we shouldn't be talking about it. So, I'd rather not ask."

"Fine! Stop twisting my arm, I'll tell you all the deets!" Lexi raised her hands in the air dramatically to showcase her sarcasm, which forced another laugh out of Tom. Warmth invaded her body every time his laugh landed in her ears. "Well, like I said, I was homeschooled. So, I didn't get very many chances to meet guys or to go out on dates. I met a couple of nice guys through my church but, honestly, they were all a hard no. Anyways, I kissed Stevie one summer and our braces interlocked, and it was weird. And so, that brings me to you. I just don't even know what came over me when I saw you. It was like I needed to know what your lips were all about. So, that's the story of my romantic life and why you were the first person I'd made out with. Satisfied?"

The Love HackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora