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Life can get shitty really, really quickly if you're not careful. I must have ignored all the warning signs because my life got shitty and then went straight to hell in the short time of just one day. 

It all started out with my lovely boyfriend, or, rather, ex having a grand old time getting some early morning exercise in. No, I'm not talking about running or lifting weights. I'm talking about the calorie-burning, heart-racing exercise you get in bed. 

Normally, I'm his workout partner, but I must have been lacking too much lately because he, like the asshole of all major assholes, decided to replace me. And I, like the idiot of all idiots, walked right into it after making the bright decision to go to his dorm and surprise him with homemade muffins. 

In a fit of rage, I decided to throw the muffins at that bastard and his bimbo. Those muffins probably did little to no damage to either of them and I definitely just looked like a sad, pathetic lunatic as I threw the muffins. But, when your mind is racing and your heart is breaking in two, you don't really have the ability to think straight. All you can do is blubber like a baby and curse as you blindly storm out of your ex-boyfriend's dorm. 

Thanks to that whole fiasco, I ended up being late for my first class of the morning. All eyes were on me when I entered the room, and I was surprised that no one started screaming in horror. I mean, my puffy, blood-shot eyes and snot-crusted nose probably made me look like some sort of monster. Not that I cared, not one damn bit. 

Honestly, I don't think I cared about anything in those moments, and, yes, I'll admit it was pitiful that I reached such a sad state because of one unfateful man. I couldn't help it though! He was the first guy I ever loved, and he became all my other firsts that have now become my greatest regrets.

That was all I could really think about as I let my head rest on the table. Oh, and there was another thing that slipped through my mind before my shitty day went to hell. I want to escape everything. That was what I had thought, and if I had known what would happen after, I would have probably thought the opposite. Unfortunately, I was oblivious as I let myself drift off to sleep with that thought still lingering in the back of my mind.


As I awake from my accidental nap, I start to realize that my surroundings have become...different. The unforgiving wooden desk that I had made into my makeshift pillow has turned soft, and the cold air-conditioned air has been replaced with a flower-filled, warm breeze that beats against my body. When I finally open my eyes and sit up, I let out one word.


This glorious curse perfectly sums up my current situation where I'm sitting in the middle of a forest. How did I get to this forest? I have no damn clue. How am I going to get back home? Well, I would just use my phone, but after frantically searching through all my pockets, I have come to the realization that it's nowhere to be found. So, in conclusion, I'm stuck in the middle of a forest with no phone. And might I add that I have zero survival skills? 

With the way things are looking, I might just die out here. If that's the case, I hope it's not through starvation or dehydration. That's too slow of a death for me. Ideally, I'd like a quick death. Maybe being made into a hungry bear's lunch would suffice, or even a nice fall off a cliff would do. I'm not too picky, so come at me Mother Nature! I'll take whatever quick death you offer me with open arms. 

That is what I thought until I heard the sound of something approaching me, and fast. My eyes grow wide and I ball my hands into fists as I prepare myself to come face to face with a family of hungry bears. 

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