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 My exhaustion stretched on like a neverending story filled with every trope and plot twist imaginable. All I did was lie around in a room. I had no idea if it was mine or not, as I only stayed awake for a few fleeting moments before I drifted back to sleep. 

Though, unlike the past few days, I seem to have regained some of my strength, at least enough to keep myself from falling asleep again. I lift myself up so that I'm resting my back against the headboard of the bed. Now that I'm able to properly take in my surroundings, I'm met with the sight of large arms resting on the side of my bed. Dorian. He continues snoring away, unaware that I'm awake.

I wonder how long he has been staying by my side. For the whole morning? For the last few nights? Or for days on end? I really shouldn't delude myself into thinking a soon-to-be vampire king would waste his days away, fretfully sitting at my bedside. 

A smile betrays me as I begin to think of just that. My hand softly falls into his hair, carefully running my fingers through his tangled locks. It's nice to be back here. To be back home, I realize the comforting feeling taking hold of my heart is from a sense of belonging. I feel like I'm a part of this manor, a part of Dorian, a part of everything involving this odd land of beastly creatures. 

The side of me that hangs back on my previous world still remains, though its presence has significantly wavered in the face of this new place that I have found for myself. For, the Earth that I have known all my life isn't one that I wish to return to, not when there's the Kingdom of Bestias in which Dorian lives in.

"Dorian," I call to him, suddenly desperate for him to wake up.

For a moment, he just grumbles in his sleep, only lifting his head slightly. He doesn't move from where he sits in his chair, slumped over. Then, as if he's suddenly shocked with electricity, he jolts upward. 

The entirety of his golden eyes grows wide with what almost seems to be sadness before he finally sees me. He takes my empty hands in his, filling them with his warmth as he pulls me into him and sighs with a deep exhale that seems to hold all of his worries. His hand draws upward, gently pressing to the back of my head.

He bows his head, whispering breathlessly into my shoulder, "You have been asleep for far too long. I...I thought that I would never hear you calling to me again."

His arms tighten around me, almost making it impossible for me to breathe, but I say nothing. Instead, I just listen to his airy words that flow through my ears and to their resting place in my heart.

"I was practically going insane with the desire to destroy everything. I almost..." He swallows, pausing. The grip around me tightens even more, and it feels as though he's trying to crush me. Despite this, I continue to remain quiet, simply just returning his strong embrace. "I almost took it upon myself to punish those elves. I had planned to go into Dryadale during the midnight hours and rip all their filthy hearts out. But, I did not do so. I spared their useless lives, all for you, my felix culpa."

"If you wish for me to do otherwise, I'll gladly stain my hands with their blood," He leaves the decision up to me, but in his voice, I hear a small fraction of hope, the hope that I'll say 'I do'.

In some strange way, I feel my heart beating faster at the sound of him speaking of bringing carnage to the elves if I wish it to be so. 

No other man has ever vowed to wipe out a whole species for me, except for Dorian. He's the only ever the first, never the last, or the second in almost every he does. From wreaking havoc upon those that hurt me, to gathering a whole army to save me, all of it shamelessly displays his unwavering devotion to me. And...I love every single bit of it. 

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