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His one-word response earns a gasp of horror from me as I realize he's not joking. "I will not be your wife! You're not even my type!" I shout shamelessly. "I go for brown-haired book lovers, not white-haired vampires that look like they belong in a frat house playing beer pong!"

My outburst surprises Callon and the other two men standing by the door. Dorian remains unfazed though. He only smiles. It almost makes me feel as though I'm nothing but a mere bug, one Dorian is about to crush with his shoe.

"I'll have you know that I am the heir to the throne of Bestias," Dorian haughtily informs me, leaning forward as he does so. I flinch at the feeling of his breath fanning down my face. "Go ahead and kick and scream all you want, human. It won't be getting you anywhere."

First, my ex cheated on me, and now I'm supposedly the fiance of this bastardly vampire. That's enough to make any woman cry. Tears of frustration pour down my cheeks, and I make it a point to cry as ugly as humanely possible.

Seeing me with tears running down my face and snot coming from my nose should make him change his mind. No prince wants an ugly crier, such as myself, to be their wife. I let out exaggerated sobs, hoping to scare him off. A malicious smirk creeps across his face.

"Believe me, I don't want to be wed to you either, but we all have to do things we don't want to do in life. Even someone as immature as you should realize this," He insults me with that annoyingly deep and way too attractive voice of his.

His back turns toward me as he beckons Callon over, and I take the liberty to flip him off with both my fingers. When Dorian moves off to the side, I lock eyes with Callon who appears before us within a second. A sort of cold, very unwelcoming glint resides within those red irises of his, and it makes me instantly break eye contact with him.

"Guide the human to her quarters," Dorian orders him.

As Callon begins to reply back with most likely a "Yes, Master Dorian", I interject, "I have a name, you know. And, for your information, it's not 'the human'!"

Dorian casts a sideways glance in my direction. Without saying anything, he makes my heart stop. It isn't that love at first sight type of thing though. It is an "I'm scared shitless" type of heart-stopping.

"Alright, human, what is your name, then?"

This shocks both me and Callon as our eyes widen simultaneously. It seems like neither of us expected this to come from Dorian. I, for one, thought he was going to kill me, not ask me to tell him my name.

"I'm..." My throat goes dry, sending me into a coughing fit.

"Hurry up."

I scowl at Dorian, finally finishing my sentence, "Cyra. My name is Cyra."

"Cyra," Dorian repeats my name which rolls off his tongue far too easily.

Most butcher my name when first pronouncing it, as they all are inclined to say "Kyra" instead of "Cyra", which can be broken up as "S-AY-r-ah". Yet, he was able to say it correctly as well as beautifully, and, I hate to admit it, but he makes my name sound like a one-worded symphony that I don't think I will ever grow tired of.

"I shall continue to refer to you as I had before, human," He declares like the complete ass-wad he is.

And with that, Dorian goes to his desk, leaving me fuming. My cuffed hands ball up into fists. I want to punch him in that disgustingly handsome face of his, but, for now, all I can do is imagine it in my mind.

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