Ch. 13: Part Two

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Loid wove through the woods with the trees providing cover. He was a blur jumping behind one to the next, getting ever closer. He approached as far as he could get where the tree-line ended near the lab.

This was going to be tricky.

He started near one end of the wall where a camera was mounted. One of the two security guards posted in the area, around it.

Loid's best guess for the lack of security was the confidence in no one finding them. The secluded location. The organization was a well-kept secret. Or so they thought.

Well, it worked for Loid.

From his hiding place, he pulled out a dart gun first, in preparation. Then his silenced pistol. He would be lying if he said Anya didn't make him think of it.

With the deft hands of the elite spy that he was, he switched seamlessly from shooting out the camera, to darting the guard who fell next.

He cringed at the sound of shattering glass breaking, raining down on the pavement below, but it was better than being seen.

The building was so large, he doubted it was widely heard. But the other guard heard it. His head swivelled from his post a long ways down the wall.

Loid had to move quickly to dart him as well before he got close enough to see what happened and alert anyone.

Then took out the other two cameras.

He dragged the guards out into the blackness of the woods where'd they'd be unseen before he grabbed one of their keys. The tranquilizers should keep them out with plenty of time for him to complete the mission.

He took the man's clothes, his ID badge, and prepared a face. It wasn't the most optimal setting for face-changing, but he was a professional.

With his new identity, he unlocked the door and entered gleaming white hallways.

He was in.

He was thankful for his disguise when alarms started blaring. Pulsing, dark, red light bathing every surface. No doubt alerted from the broken cameras they no longer had access to.

He would use this to his advantage.


Yor leapt from a high branch and took out the cameras mid-air with a flick of her wrists. The guards were knocked out before they realized what was happening and a kick to their heads brought them down for the count. She took their keys and threw the guards out of sight into the woods.

She grabbed her blades which had fallen from the dead cameras before opening the door.

She was in.

She stood out like a sore thumb.

The halls contrasted with her black clothes, her outfit that was definitely not that of a security guard.

That was fine.

She'd knock out anyone that saw her, anyway. They probably deserved it.

The assassin didn't get far before alarms screeched at her, announcing the lab's awareness to the situation. Red lights intermittently washed away the blinding white paint of the walls.

She expected this. She didn't care. She'd deal with whatever they threw at her.

She continued, unbothered, blasting through most doors she passed, looking for Anya. She didn't know where she was, so her best solution was to check every room until she found someone she could make talk.

Operation 007 (SpyxFamily)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon