Ch. 23: Part Four

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It occurred to him, that Damian was witnessing a secret part of Forger's life. A piece of her puzzle that he'd been trying to put together. He wanted to know her association with this lady. He wanted to know why it seemed Forger had another life that her parents apparently didn't know about, (hence this secret meeting) and what kind of life it was. What those secrets were. He wanted to know who this woman was and why in the world Forger would cooperate with her when she clearly didn't want to be here. Blackmail was his first thought, a tactic he was well aware was used in politics, and slowly it dawned on him. Icy claws gripping him in cold, terrifying realization.

This woman wanted to take Forger away and she didn't want to go.

Was this lady involved with Forger's previous abduction? Or was this something else? She seemed to know who she was, she acted like one who held authority over her.

Damian's breath caught at all the implications this presented and his head swam frantically at the fear that was planted deep in his stomach.

"Let's. Go." The words were emphasized with warning and Damian's heart sped. He couldn't be sure she was a kidnapper, but there was no doubt in his mind that she was a risk to Forger.

With excruciatingly hesitant movements, Forger took a step forward as if caused by threat. She dragged her feet like a misbehaved child, knowing what punishment awaited her.

She was going! Forger was going! What did he do, what did he do, what did he do?! Was he overreacting?! This was so suspicious! He couldn't go get help, Forger would be gone by then!

She took another step.

Damian couldn't let this happen, what did he do? How did he—

And suddenly he was no longer hidden. He stood in the open where he could be seen. Where the woman could snap her eyes up and fix him with a glare to freeze his blood solid. He was going to call for Forger, but now he felt stiff and slow and turned to look at her belatedly. He didn't have a chance to get a word out before she rounded on him and he jerked back a step at the sight of her face.

He had made a mistake.

She stared at him in horror, tears streaming freely, and he knew he'd made a very big mistake, as if he'd signed his own death warrant.

It was quiet and the moment descended on him as a cloud of foreboding, chilling his bones and soaking him in goosebumps. In a split second the air had turned from tense, to a hairsbreadth away from immediate danger. He felt it in his gut and an internal alarm sounded off in his head. Somehow he still had a pulse but it beat slowly and uncertainly. Apprehensively. Like it was deciding wether he should be scared or not.

Forger didn't speak and neither did he. She made no other movement and he didn't think he was able to.

"What. . .What are you doing here?" Forger said in a horrified whisper and Damian had never felt so alien in someone else's life. She had never felt so alien to him. Sure, he was convinced she kept back the truth of her identity, of her life, but it was another thing to be confronted with it. And now he'd involved himself in it, and Forger certainly hadn't wanted him to.

He couldn't answer at first. He'd acted on urgent impulse. The moment dripped like molasses, slow and heavy. Overpowering. He thought he might choke on it. He glanced uneasily at the lady who caused it as she hid behind her seemingly indifferent attitude. He began to sweat. The heat felt hotter and the humidity pressed down on him. "You. . . left the class. . . you're going to get in trouble. . ." He said and he could see it in Forger's eyes. She knew he had some inkling of what was taking place, and somehow that idea terrified her even more.

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