Chapter Fifteen

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       Yuri's team bought it when they thought Anya believed her uncle had come to rescue her. Not as an SSS agent, but just a regular person. That it was a coincidence the secret police were there too. It made sense to them someone so young would believe that. Children could be pretty gullible.

Yuri kept her by his side the whole time, Loid's glare still fresh in his mind. He wouldn't have let her out of his sight, either way, but now he was paranoid.

With Anya there, he couldn't work like usual without the others catching on that Anya knew, anyway. But they had gotten everything under control, so it didn't really matter.

The problem were the children.

They had found a dozen of them throughout the lab. Not including the dead ones.

Social workers and ambulances were called in for them. Paramedics taking the four who needed immediate attention first. Sedating them, unable to calm their hysteria. Driven off to the hospital. The other eight stricken, as they watched them do this.

There were a couple more ambulances that would have taken them as well, but the kids refused to go anywhere near them of their own accord. They had learned long ago to be wary of adults. The social workers had a hard time just convincing them to go into town with them.

Anya had gone with her uncle, traveling in an SSS van where they sat on a bench lining the wall. The agents, believing another lie that she thought Yuri lost his car. They went with it, not having any reason to doubt a kids naivety. It was easy to make an adult think a kid didn't know things.

They remained fairly silent as the vehicle rumbled on for at least an hour before it finally stopped, door in front opening, footsteps coming around to the back. Yuri stood as the doors opened, jumping out first. Lifted Anya down after him.

Her previously acquired relief, vanished, the moment the van doors closed, the hospital standing tall and haunting in front of her. She immediately backed away from Yuri as the SSS drove off and her breath stuck in her chest. Yuri started towards the doors, expecting her to follow.

"Chihuahua, what are you doing?" He asked, when she wasn't beside him.

She shook her head, wringing her hands. She couldn't do this again. The doctors. The needles. Everything that came with it. She just escaped this. Her eyes tearing up again. She was so tired of crying, but she couldn't stop the sob rising up her throat. Forced it's way out.

"Uh. . ." Yuri's hand raised hesitantly. 'What happened?! She was fine a second ago! Why is she crying?! What do I do?!' He panicked, glancing back at the hospital.

The hospital. Realization dawned. Looked back. He wondered how to calm her down.

'Yor! Just do what you'd do if Yor was crying!' He thought. But when he reflected, she comforted him more than he, her. His first instinct, being to execute those who hurt his sister, but that wasn't useful in this moment. "Chihuahua-"

A distressed cry rang through the lot. A fitful hysteria from a child, taking Anya and Yuri's attention. A boy struggled in the arms of a social worker, one of the lab kids, as a nurse ran over from the hospital. Something was in her hand. She was coming to sedate him. To bring him indoors. His reaction, impossible to quell without it.

Anya noticed it happening to other kids now, too, they all having arrived around the same time. The hospital must have been alerted to the incoming patients.

Anya back farther away from Yuri.

She couldn't tell.

His thoughts were consumed mostly with how to calm her down. She didn't know if. .

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