Chapter IV - Study Session

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Light smut warning :)


Unable to get Gabe off my mind, I decide to find an excuse to text him. I mean, he didn't give me his number if he didn't want me to text him, right? I tap on the contact Gabe made for himself. He named himself "the hot guy from PE," I can't figure out if I'm annoyed by the douchiness or envious of his confidence.

hey it's jake

do you know if we have history homework?

I'm already aware that we have homework, but Gabe wouldn't know that. We have history together but sit on opposite sides of the room. He might not even know that we have the class together. A few minutes later, he answers me.


we had those questions about the reformation or whatever

do you need help?

that'd be great, I reply.

Immediately, Gabe FaceTimes me. My heart starts thumping. I tousle my hair, trying to achieve some kind of messy-but-cute look. I flip on the lamp next to my bed and finally answer the call.

I'm greeted by a shirtless Gabe, pecs out and all. I start to say a "hello," but my mouth refuses to cooperate.

"Oh, sorry," he says before slipping on a t-shirt. I glance between his chest and pits before his face becomes visible again. Part of me wants to tell him he doesn't need a shirt.

"You're good," I say instead. Gabe gives me a little smile before continuing.

"So, did you do the reading?"

"Yeah," I reply, "Didn't get much from it." I neglect to mention that I could hardly focus on the content because my mind was only on Gabe. He guides me through the assignment, and I'm finished within 15 minutes.

"I'm surprised you're good at history," I remark. As soon as the words tumble from my mouth, I register how rude they sound.

"Damn, cold!" He responds.

"Shit, sorry," I feel awful. I just insulted the boy who spent his time helping me do my homework. "I just meant, uh, I always thought you were a stereotypical jock, I guess."

"I don't know if I can ever forgive you..." he feigns. "Kidding," he assures me, seeing the concern on my face. "That's fair. I mean, we don't know each other that well. You know, we should study for the history test tomorrow!"

"Test!?" I exclaim. "What test? When? On what?"

"The test," Gabe says as if that means anything to me. "The test on basically everything we've learned about European history that the teacher told us about two weeks ago," he clarifies. "It's two days from now."

"Shit. Are you sure you want to study with me? I haven't paid attention a single day in that class."

"I'm sure. Want to come over to my house around six or so?"

"That sounds great!" My heart starts thumping again. I get to spend one-on-one time with the hottest guy in school that I've been crushing on since literally the first day of ninth grade.

"Well, I'm tired. Good night!"

"Good night! See you tomorrow." Gabe leaves the call with a smile still on his face. I know I should be concerned about the history test that I have not studied for, but it seems pointless to worry when something so exciting is happening.

I start fantasizing about what could happen at our study session. I imagine Gabe touching me and taking his clothes off. I think about openly admiring the boy's body, feeling him, smelling him, tasting him. I get hard just thinking about it. Maybe it's dumb to dream of something so far-fetched, but I love the thought so much that I just don't care.

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