Chapter XVI - Pancakes

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 I wake up feeling more rested than I have in a long time. I reach over and feel for Gabe, my hand making contact with his rising and falling chest.

"Good morning, Sleepyhead," he says to me, his voice gruff. I sit up and lean against him.

"Good morning." I kiss Gabe's cheek, and he smiles.

"Did you sleep well?" He asks me, reaching up to tousle my already messy hair.

"Yeah," I tell him. For once, I wasn't tossing and turning, plagued by anxiety. Something about Gabe, the way he held me, the steady rhythm of his heart against my back, his smell, just makes me feel safe. I've never felt that with anyone before. "What about you?"

"So well." Gabe wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him. I feel his dick through his boxers, pressing against my ass. "I kept you warm, didn't I?" He whispers into my ear.

"You did," I whisper back. "You kept your promise."

"It wasn't hard, you being so cute and all. I can hardly keep myself off you." He nuzzles into my neck. "And don't think I forgot my other promise." I feel my cock twitch. "But not until you're ready, of course."

"I just need a little more time." Gabe pulls me in closer, letting me sink back into his torso.

"No rush, ever. I'd never, ever make you do something that you don't want to do."

"Thank you," I mumble into him. My lips brush against his forearm, the soft hair tickling my skin.

"You want some breakfast, pretty boy?" I attempt (and fail) to restrain my smile. I turn to face Gabe, and he mirrors my expression.

"That sounds perfect." Gabe climbs out of bed, still half-naked, and offers his hand to me. I take it, and he pulls me up like I hardly weigh anything. Gabe bends down, his boxers hiking up his ass, searching for the clothes he flung off last night. I retrieve my backpack to change, trying to do so as quickly as possible.

Gabe looks over at me as he pulls on a pair of sweatpants. I look at the floor, feeling awkward. It's not like he hasn't seen me change 100 times in the locker room, but I still feel so exposed.

After we finish getting dressed, I follow Gabe out of his room. We walk down the short hallway, and I look down to check if anyone's lights are on. I'm not sure that I want to meet the parents with bedhead and eye bags. Everyone looks to still be asleep, so I let myself relax a bit. We step into the kitchen/living space, and Gabe flips on a light switch.

The kitchen is about the same size as mine but has a small island with barstools in the middle. There's still something odd to me about Gabe living in an ordinary house. That's not to say he acts spoiled (because he doesn't), but he just seems so perfect that I'd expect him to live in a castle or something.

Gabe opens the pantry and turns to me. "You like pancakes?"

"Love them," I respond. He pulls out a box of pancake mix, hands it to me, and then bends down to grab something else. I notice the hem of his underwear peeking out from his sweatpants.

"Heads up!" Gabe warns, tossing a bag of chocolate chips up at me. I, still fixated on him, feel the bag hit me and fall to the floor. "Good catch," he teases, picking it up. Thankfully, it wasn't open.

"To be fair, I wasn't expecting to be attacked with a bag of chocolate chips." I set the pancake mix on the counter, and Gabe places the chocolate chips beside it.

"Attacked? And you had plenty of time to react. Distracted by all this, huh?" He asks, standing up and gesturing to his body.

"Pfft, me? Looking at you? Never." I smile slyly, and Gabe does the same.

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