Chapter XI - Detention

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Detention is being held in a drab classroom in the math hall. I am the first person to arrive, and I take a seat in the back corner. I have never been in this room before, but I don't think I missed out. For a moment, I wonder if I'm in the wrong room, but then I hear the jangling of a staff member's keys as they walk in. Detention is being held by none other than Coach Bayleigh!

She sits down at the teacher's desk at the front of the room and looks over a paper, seemingly bored. I look at the clock hanging above the whiteboard, curious as to when my fellow detentionees will arrive, but I'm disappointed to see that the clock is numbered with algebra equations instead of just numbers. It is about thirty minutes after the square root of 169 minus ten, which lends me no help as to what time it is.

Finally, Gabe walks in, followed by a few other people. He sits at the desk next to mine.

"We can't escape this woman, can we?" He whispers to me.

"Right?" I whisper back. I look around the room to see who else is trapped with us. On the complete opposite side of the room, I notice Marcus sitting next to the same faux hawk boy that he was talking to in the locker room. Other students, mostly upperclassmen, are dispersed around the room. Gabe greets some of them.

"Okay!" Coach Bayleigh shouts much too loudly, considering the size of the room. "For those of you who aren't regulars around here, the rules are that phones are to be silenced and in your backpacks, no talking whatsoever, and no leaving the room. I will dismiss you when your time is up. If you break the rules, you will get an extra 30 minutes of detention, and I have no problem doing that because I get overtime pay for this."

Coach Bayleigh opens her laptop and starts typing away, signaling the start of detention. Gabe lounges back in his chair, legs spread out, and head tossed back. It would be so amazing if our time together was not limited to half an hour of sitting in a silent math classroom. I set my head down on my desk, hoping to find a comfortable position to rest in, but then I realize that the entire desk is incredibly sticky. It's like someone spilled a full cooler of Gatorade on it.

In lieu of sleeping, I settle for people-watching. My eyes are immediately drawn to the opposite corner of the room where Marcus and the faux hawk boy are. They playfully poke and grab at each other. It seems innocent enough; I mean, touching one another is a favorite pastime of high school jocks, but it feels like the touches last a second longer than they should. Weird.

I look over at Gabe. His thighs are spread out on his chair through his tight pants, and I can see the slight outline of his package. Fuck. I can't help but imagine what he would look like without his boxers on.

Then, someone blows their nose louder than I thought humanly possible, and I remember that I am not in the privacy of my own bedroom. Fantasies will have to wait until I'm out of detention.

Finally, after what feels like hours later, Coach Bayleigh looks up from her computer. "30 minute detention people, you're dismissed!" About half the room, including me, Gabe, Marcus, and his faux hawk friend all get up. I stay back momentarily, allowing the other students to file out of the room first. I walk out behind everyone into the unusually quiet hallway. I look around for Gabe and see him talking to some guy from the varsity basketball team.

"Bye, Gabe!" I say, but he doesn't turn around. I guess he didn't hear me. A small group forms around Gabe and the other boy, presumably other guys from the team, and they all walk off towards the gym together. I stand awkwardly, feeling forgotten, but I can't really hold it against Gabe. To be fair, he did tell me he had a game, and it's not like we planned on meeting after detention.

I walk down the hall, taking a slight detour to the faculty stairwell. I'm not too interested in being berated by my mom, who will have lots to say about my detention. Once I arrive, I take a moment to appreciate the forgotten room. Although it is, at most, only used by a handful of people, including me and Gabe, it still seems that the janitors have taken care of it. A small amount of dust is present on some of the surfaces, but besides that, it is almost spotless. The stairs begin on the right, reaching a narrow landing before continuing on the left wall.

Under the lower flight is a door painted blue to match the stairs. It looks like it was meant to blend in, as it would be nearly invisible if it weren't for the metal door handle. Considering its location, it's probably a supply or janitors' closet, potentially untouched for years. Curious to find a reason to hang behind for a bit longer, I make my way to the door. I grab the door handle, assuming it will be locked, only to find it to open easily.

I walk into the small, dark room and search the wall with my hands to find the light switch. The singular bulb hanging from the ceiling clicks on, illuminating the room with yellow light. It's hot compared to the stairwell, kind of like a garage in the summer, but not unbearable. It would be a nice escape on a cold day because the school's heating never seems to work.

There are a few desks and chairs shoved into the corner of the room, probably extras, as well as a... ping-pong table? I can't imagine why the school has a ping-pong table. Oddly, the surface is mostly dust-free, like people still use it.

Abruptly, I hear the door open, and I jump. I expect to see a teacher here to give me another detention or maybe a referral, but I recognize the approaching figure as the faux hawk boy. I step back, accidentally running into one of the desks. My heart rate quickens, giving me a pointless rush of adrenaline as I am quite literally backed into a corner.

Faux Hawk Boy steps into the light and squints at me. I'm trapped in a room with Marcus's friend. I can't fight the feeling that something bad is going to happen.

"What are you doing here?"

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