Chapter 4

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I head to class sitting down next to Draco Malfoy who I have been partnered with turns out Snape is going to stick with his weird seating arrangements

I look to him seeing him raising an eyebrow at me

"What can I say I will happily sit with you this time round" before turning to look to see Ron with Hermione and her defence partner sitting behind them "I certainly don't want to sit with them, so I happily ain't going to argue with sitting fare away this time round" I then look back to him "how the bird?"

Draco- "bird?"

Harry- "yeah, you mentioned a bird under your breath, something about a wardrobe?"

Draco- He shakes his head "no I didn't" which he is shitting it because that was supposed to be a secret not even his friends know about, as it was made as a special assignment made between his father and Voldemort, no one else not even his aunt knows

Harry- "ermm, yeah you did, don't worry, I won't tell anyone else about it especially not them" I say nodding towards the two who are my fake friends seeing as they are using me unlike a few others

"Now tell me, what is going on? because I certainly am curious" I look him in the eyes when saying that feeling them go weird for a second

Draco- something is going on with Potter his eyes just turned red just like the dark lord, if the dark lord possessing him or is he still himself "you know the hidden room you where found in because of me and two of my friends"

Harry- I nod "yeah the room on requirement, the room that shifts itself to your needs which originally really it is a storage room where loads of people have dumped stuff over the years, seen its original form, objects upon objects"

Draco- he nods "yeah, well I have a cupboard thats stored there, I put something inside of it, it disappeared and then when I open it again, it reappeared"

Harry- "and you trying to use it to get someone into the school?"

Draco- he knew he had to lie "no"

Harry- "ah okay, you can't tell me"

Draco- he nods again "basically yeah which is also why I am wondering why I am telling you this, your supposed to be my enemy"

Harry- "trust me, were on the same side more than you think, its not fun anymore pretending to be on Dumbledore side"

Draco- "your not truly on Dumbledore side?"

Harry- "oh course not, he is basically trying to get me killed to win a war, he has been since I was know to be the prophecy child aka last years situation when my godfather who blood adopted me died, yes he did that meaning were basically family, thought blood adoption which was done when I was born because of the whole prophecy situation which Dumbledore created before I was alive, so my mother and father knew about it before I was born too, they knew Dumbledore was the one who created it and knew that if they had a child it will come true, all they saw was that they were going to save the world by having me, they didn't even love each other, my parents where gay for crying out loud, but they knew they had to make the prophecy baby, for the selfish needs"

Draco- "you hate your parents don't you?"

Harry- "I have been mourning them for years, reacting badly when someone mentions them either crying or getting angry but really, they only had me because of this war, so Dumbledore could use me to win it and lead me to my death, of course I bleeding hate me, I don't know how you godfather Snape even had feelings for my selfish mother"

Draco- "he didn't like her in that way, my godfather isn't into women"

Harry- Lets just say I am shocked, very shocked but also in aww "oh my, wasn't expecting that"

Draco- "yeah, I found out a few years ago, when lily was mentioned and I asked if he loved her. He said like a sister because he didn't like women in that way, that he liked men that way instead though, let just say he was expecting a bad reaction but I ran over to him and hugged him. My parents know too, so does every follower"

Harry- "yeah, maybe I got a charm for everyone to tell me everything, I did get a few things that were blocked by Dumbledore off of me at Gringotts, let's just say that thieving bastard will get what he deserves"

Severus- "today we will be learning about unfortunately vampires"

Hermione- she puts her hand up "wait sir Vampires aren't real they are mythical fictional creature that is within the muggle world movies and books"

Severus- "ah but they are very much real, very rare but real Miss Granger. People can either be obviously turned but it is more likely it is either through blood aka family lineage. Don't worry they won't suck your blood or attack you unless you provoke them, they have rules where there are blood banks for them which people volunteer to do, yes they know it will be going to vampires and with vampires being rare, loads of people happily do it, plus there are sweets like blood pops but they won't one hundred percent fill them but distract them until they can feed properly"

Harry- I put my hand up and he says my name "how many vampires are left within the world?"

Severus- "there's around thirty percent of the population, yeah it might seem still like a high percent but really its not compaired to how many their used to be, very common, walked along us all the time, type of situation"

Harry- well this lesson is going to be interesting



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