Chapter 6

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I follow them to the meeting hopeing Hermione does tell anything I said in the libaray this morning and I so hope she makes the right choices

I watch on as they speak to Dumbledore about what they are to do next but Hernione just stood there quiet


Hermione- "I quit"

Dumbledore- "what do you mean you quit Hermione"

Hermione- "I don't want to do this anymore, I want to be a neutral in this war, not on the light or dark side, so I won't be working with you anymore" she then looks to a shocked Ron and Ginny "and I won't be friends or be working with you both either anymore" she looks back to Dumbledore "I want a normal life and want to achieve my own goals in life, doing it then normal way not the cheating way, this isn't me at all"

Dumbledore- "Granger, you must be within this, you are Harry friend"

Hermione- she shakes her head "no I am not, I was but I ain't anymore, and if you dare try to use any potions from me, I will leave Hogwarts and go to another magical school even if its unfortunately in another country, way fare away from my own loving parents, I am an ambitious brave but smart person, I should of never join this"

Dumbledore- he knew she meant every word she was saying "fine, you may leave"

Hermione- she nods before leaving, feeling free

Ron- "how could she do that to us"

Dumbledore- "don't take it personal Ron, I knew you liked her but she wishes to make her own path in life and that unfortunately won't be with us, and if we dare interfere, she will do what she said"

Ginny- "well thats ashamed but seems like she is a right pussy, she just proven she can't take this challenge even if it kills us or gets us hurt because seems like Harry always gets hurt or someone around them gets hurt every year"

Ron- "indeed, she can't take this, she is weak, good thing she left before she the big fight seeing as she certain won't be joining it and will run away in fear. She was no true friend, I am glad she is gone"

Dumbledore- "now back to the task, we need you to get Harry back to being close friends with you, I have noticed him not being around you much, plus you Ginny, I haven't seen you trying to get with him"

Ginny- she nods "I am trying sir, I keep trying to find him but when I do he ends up escaping or sneaking off somewhere else, plus he said to my face that he will never be in love with me as he sees me like a sister"

Dumbledore- he opens a draw to hid desk pulling out a bag and handing it over to her "fifteen love potions, I will get you some more, they shall work and will get him to fall in love with you, soon you shall be together especially since they are more powerful doses. I have been making Professor Snape make them but then wiping his memory of doing so"

Ginny- she smiles "thank you sir, I will start putting them in his drink straight away"

Dumbledore- he nods "good, now stick to your tasks, now you two get to bed before they notice you are gone"


I wake up in the morning and head to breakfast. I sit down noticing straight away the love potion, I use wave me hand when no one was looking not even anyone from the Professor table aka looking out incase Dumbledore or the two younger Weasleys are looking

I then hide a smirk as a first year climb onto her lap as she scream to get off her and that it was supposed to be for me, basically outing herself, dumbass

I saw as the professor come over, dragging the poor first year out of the great hall as he shouts and cries for Ginny

I stand up facing Ginny as she goes by with Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Snape. I shout "you should of listen to me when I mentioned to your brother about daring to use a love potion on me plus you are getting what you deserve for attempting to use it on me, because I ain't yours and never shall be yours!" I see her tear even more up as she tries to turn to run to me but she is grabbed by the two bring also dragged out the room shouting for me

I shake me head "stupid bitch is going to get what she deserve, how dare she try to humiliate me or dare use that potion on me, I knew it was a good idea to swap the drink when I knew something was off before I took a drink from it"

Neville- "why not out her?"

Harry- "humiliate her plus more proof of the situation, plus if I did stand up or drink it, Dumbledore would to made sure there was no proof and vanished the cup away, were as I saw Professor Snape take it with him"

Dean- "now that was a smart move"

Harry- I nod "where have you been for the past few days?"

Dean- "my mother is sick so I owled the Ministry so they could give me a note which was sent to Dumbledore to allow me to be off until she more well plus for my aunt to travel there to look after her, she arrived yesterday, so I stayed the night and arrived this morning"

Harry- "give me blessing to her, hope she overcomes her illness" I say with the other two sayings there blessings and sorrys

Dean- he smiles "thank you, and hopefully she will, she is getting treatment for it, some toxic liquids apparently going into her body"

Harry- "chemo?"

Dean- he nods "yes that one"

Harry- "ahhh I get it, she got cancer"

Dean- "yeah, in her chest area if you get what I mean"

Seamus- "breasts?"

Dean- he blushes "yes"

Harry- "ah well atleast like you said, she is getting better or atleast now feel well and hopefully soon she will be back on her feet healthy"

Dean- "yeah there hopeing that it will go away with it, instead of having to have surgery"

Harry- he notices that people are getting up and leaving, hearing the bell going off "sorry for the stop of the conversation but seems like we better get going to class"



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