Chapter 11

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It is finally time for the winter, I am travelling with Snape instead of taking the train, apparently we aren't going to be staying at his own but at his brothers.

I didn't know he had a brother, unless he sees someone as his brother but isn't truly blood related type of brother.

We appear before the very large Manor and the door open to reveal both Lucius Malfoy and Narcissia Malfoy who was made as my second godmother shockingly but I assume she was because of my godfather Sirius, probably begged the two for them to chose her knowing she has abit of the craziness but not all, she is more sane then she is insane, definitely especially compaired to Bellatrix Lestrange

I go over and shaking Lucius Malfoy hand and bowing before my godmother with her hand in mine but obviously not going to kiss it, gross

Narcissia- "we are so happy to have you two here, more people to help me with the ball"

Severus- "I certainly won't be helping with the ball"

Harry- "I will godmother"

Narcissia- she blinks "godmother?"

Harry- "I think my godfather Sirius, got both my parents to name you as my second godmother, my parents only had me to create the prophecy to come true to help Dumbledore but atleast they sort of give a, excuse my language, but give a shit about me"

Narcissia- "don't worry, we don't care about swearing, let's just say throughout the years especially with the dark lord being here and my sister being here also, swearing is now accepted within these walls, tried to make it not be but sort of gotten used to it throughout the years, become a quite normal daily thing"

Harry- I turn to look at Snape "so am I allowed"

Severus- he rolls his eyes "I can't stop you from saying whatever you want now can I?"

Harry- "well you are my guardian"

Severus- "true but I am allowing you to be yourself and if swearing is within you language area, then so be it"

Harry- "thank god for that, it is hard sometimes holding back a swear word, especially when you have idiots in school around you all the time"

Severus- "alright smarty pants, now get yourself inside and get read for dinner as it will be happening once Draco is back"

Harry- I nods "okay" I look to the other two "where shall I be staying, I don't mind even if it's the smallest of room, especially with what I did to you in my second year, which I am sorry about Mr Malfoy"

Lucius- "please call us by your name especially with my wife here now becoming your aunt, making me your uncle, plus you will be across from Draco and next to Severus here"

Harry- "you said brother, is it through blood or?"

Lucius- "blood, my mother made me and then had Severus a few years later with unfortunately an affair with a muggle, the unfortunate part is not because it was a muggle but because she wasn't loyal to my father. She had much quicker pregnancy, vampires all do"

Harry- "so your a vampire too?"

Lucius- he nods "I am, so is my wife here I changed her on our wedding night nit long after she got pregnant with our son, Draco, who yes too is one"

Harry- "well he hides it well"

Draco- "yes I do" he says appearing behind with his trunks and things

Harry- "I am guessing you aren't allowed to tell people at school too?"

Draco- "yes, let me guess the whole potion incident killed you and some DNA, Gene thing got you the change but doesn't explain why one of you parents didn't change"

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