9. the variable transfer student

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Though the classroom walls are bare, the windows are large. In the previous timeline when the students were assigned to this classroom, you recalled that a fight almost happen just so that they can have the seats beside the windows. 

Everyone wants a window seat, you can understand that, to sit in the unsubdued light of the morningーas if you were the protagonist of this worldーwho doesn't want that? But of course, the one who won the last seat right next to the window in the end is the true protagonist himself.

You glanced at Chen Miao from your seat which was at the last row, feeling annoyed that time went back again, but this time, Chen Miao didn't dieーor at least you didn't witness him dying. You remembered that this happened a few times before, but you didn't think much because you assumed that the protagonist probably died somewhere you can't see, but this time, there's a variable in this timeline.

For example, right now, your dearest classmate was having a conversation with a new transfer student, and this transfer student never appear in the previous timeline. What made it more suprising is the fact that the new transfer student was the first one who strike the conversation with Chen Miao.

Naturally, your lunatic side felt threatened by this variable that's trying to take your precious Chen Miao away.

However, as a person with self-control and awareness, you managed to keep yourself at bay from causing destruction in this class, but clearly, your restrain wasn't enough to keep yourself away from Chen Miao, so before you could stop yourself, you were already standing behind the protagonist.

The transfer student, who was talking with the protagonist, noticed your existence and you can clearly see how stiff he was when he saw youーas if what he saw was a ghost.

At this moment, you were probably looking at him in the same way. After all, who can keep a straight face when behind that transfer student, floated a blue screen that reflected something similar to a chat room.

You blinked a few times just to make sure you didn't go crazy from all the stress in the previous timelines.

『ahh isn't that her? the murderer in the previous seasons? husband, run (QAQ) save yourself ah!』

『i'm new to this show so i have no idea what you're talking about but she looks harmless to me』

『bro ted bundy also looked harmless but he's still a serial killer』

『yoo I checked the website and they clarified that the previous actress got into an accident so she won't be participating in this season, hence the only explanation is that this is her avatar in the virtual world』

『you mean the one that rich people paid to put in the virtual world? drowninginenvy.jpg』

『unpopular opinon but this is frustrating to watch. i know that kai memory was wiped out when his consciousness entered the virtual world, but so far all he did was to act like a damsel in distress. in the previous seasons, the other actors that took the role of the player at least fight back, but look at him shivering like a coward right now』

『upstairs, you're too much! your heart must have been rotten to say that. so what if our idol is a damsel? he has us to be his hero』

『heh, you only said that because he's cute. what can mere fans like you even do?』

Thus, the start of a war in the chat.

You stood there in shock. Too many information you got from the screen that your brain somewhat malfunction as it tried to make sense of your situation. In the end, the protagonist even had to call your name after realizing you were standing behind him in a trance.

"ーare you okay? Do you need any help?" He looked at you with the look of a stranger who's concern over a passerby.

It kinda irked you how his face won't turn red anymore at the sight of you; be it from embarrassment or anger.

"Chen Miao, Iー"

"Ah Miao," the transfer student quickly cut you off and took the hand of the protagonist, he glanced at you warily. "Iー I need to use the toilet but I don't know where, can you bring me there?"

"Huh, oh sure," Chen Miao nodded and got up from his seat. "I'm sorry, (Y/n), but can we continue later?"

You didn't answer, trying hard to contain yourself from going mad after hearing such an intimate way that transfer student called him, and the way he interrupted you and looked at you as if he's worried of Chen Miao's safety if you were to get closer.

You remembered that earlier, the chat room said something about a "murderer in the previous seasons," could that be referring to you? If so, does that mean this person knew your evil deeds in the previous timelines, and now are trying to take the role of Chen Miao's protecter from you?

Really? This variable that came out of nowhere?

You tried hard to muster a smile as you glanced at their hands which was holding unto each other.

"You're the new transfer student, right?" You extended your hand for a handshake. "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying attention when you were introducing yourself earlier. I'm (Y/n), what's yours?"

He reached out hesitantly. "Kai..."

The previous you would probably broke his bones with this simple handshake but fortunately, the you right now aren't that petty.

You then pulled your hand away and looked at Chen Miao.

"You know, what I'm going to say isn't that important but... come back soon," those words were uttered along with a gesture that was akin to a caress on the cheek. "Oh, don't mind me, there's just a fallen eyelash there."

The said man blinked twice as if to process your action and poof! That familiar reaction of his after your teaaing appeared which appeased you a little bit. You smiled and head back to your seat. By now, you were sure those gossipers in this class of yours were eating imaginary popcorns at sight of your peculiar actions to Chen Miao.

You watched as the protagonist and the transfer student walked out of this classroom together, unaware of how the latter suddenly turned to the former anxiously as soon as they were inside the men's restroom.

"Ah Miao, you have to listen to me, that girl isー" 

"Kai," the protagonist smiled gently and brought him to the nearest sink. "Did you know? Our hands carry an average of three thousands two hundreds different germs belonging to more than one hundred fifty species, of which some can be harmful and cause infection."

The transfer student blinked in confusion, wondering how did this topic even come up.

However, Chen Miao seemed oblivious to his confusion as he washed and scrubbed Kai's hand thoroughly.

"So you have to wash it properly."

This "properly" resulted to Kai yelping in pain as the protagonist went as far as to scratch the transfer student's skin with his nails during washing. Although it's not to the point of bleeding, it did make his skin turn red.

Kai jerked his hand away, taking a few steps back as he stared in terror at the man who's smiling at him, as if oblivious to the damage he had done.

"What are you doing?" The protagonist tilted his head. "I'm not done yet."

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