11. fighting for a mother

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If Kai died, this season will end? Your body went rigid at what it could possibly mean. Does that mean that time will repeat once again like how it repeated for Chen Miao? Or does it mean that everything will be over? That Chen Miao and I won't have to experience this again? At this point, with how you have lived your life in this world, eternal death might as well be a blessing. At least, the protagonist won't have to be controlled by the player anymore.

Your eyes reflexively glance at the back of the struggling man in your embrace, seriously considering to put an end to his life. Of course, judging by how important this person seemed to be, there was also the possibility that if you were to kill him, then this game might shut down, and you will probably cease to exist along with the protagonist, but to you, that kind of consequence doesn't sound so bad.

ーhowever, that would be unfair to Chen Miao.

Such a thought invaded your mind at the critical moment and you put aside the intention to drag this man into an alley so that you can strangle him to death. At the very least, before you do that, you should make it possible for Chen Miao to live freely first. It would be unfair for him to die after living like a puppet for several lifetimes.

But to do that, how?

"Oh, are you Chen Miao's friend?"

You were taken aback when a woman opened the door to the protagonist's house. You were ashamed. After causing a ruckus in front of his house, naturally someone would hear it, but you didn't expect that this someone would beーyou assumedーChen Miao's mother. Realizing how intimate you are with the transfer student, you quickly let him go to avoid further misunderstanding from your future mother-in-law.


However, you totally didn't expect that this lunatic would go as far as to pull that middle age woman into his embrace. That homewrecker, what's he doing?! You quickly tried to separate them apart, but he refused to let go, dragging the poor woman with him.

"What are you doing with someone else's mother?!" You scolded him.

Probably it was so loud and chaotic that the protagonist had to take a peek to see what's going on in front of his doorstep. He froze when he saw you hugging the transfer student who was hugging his mother, looking flabbergasted.

"Chen Miao, he's trying to kidnap your mother, I'm just stopping him!" You quickly let go and ran to your beloved to explain.

The said beloved glanced at you before turning his attention to the delusional transfer student. His gaze was cold, something you haven't seen before even in the previous timelines.

"Xiao Chen."

However, that gaze immediately turned into obedience once he heard his mother calling out for him helplessly.

"You should invite, um, your friends inside," she sounded rather hesitant to say the word friends as she remained still in Kai's embrace, awkwardness oozing out of her.

Being the obedient child that he is, Chen Miao went to pull Kai away but he remained unmove.

"Kai," Chen Miao's voice was soft, as if he was coaxing a child. You're sure that if his mother weren't here, then he would have shown Kai a look of disgust instead. "Let go. You shouldn't covet what isn't yours."

At this point, the transfer student was in panic. You don't know whether you should help or laugh at the sight of two grown men fighting over a mother.

"No, mom, let's go, we have to leave, this person isー!"

"This is not your mother," Chen Miao finally scowled. "I don't know what happened to your mom but you shouldn't go around claiming someone else's mother to be yours."

Kai looked at him incredulously, finally letting go of the middle age woman. "You said you don't know when you're the one who ○○ ○ー!"

That damned censorship. You tried to read his lips but failed greatly.

Chen Miao glanced at your confuse expression before turning back to Kai. "Don't talk nonsense."

"Xiao Chen," the middle age woman looked at her son and his friend helplessly. "Your friend doesn't seem to be in a great state of mind. Do you mind if he stayed over tonight?"

The protagonist visibly frozen at the suggestion before sighing. "Whatever you said, mother."

"How about it, young man, do you want to calm your mind by staying over tonight?"

The transfer student shamelessly nodded before clinging to her, as if protecting her from the protagonist.

She turned to look at you. "What about you, young lady? Do youー"

"No, her parents would worry." Chen Miao quickly rejected it for you.

When did I have parents? You were about to refute when you are reminded that this wasn't the previous timeline where you can be willful with Chen Miao. You promised yourself that you would approach the protagonist gently this time to gain his trust, and surely, telling his mother that you are parentless would make Chen Miao look like a liar instead.

So you can only agree.

Though you wondered, why does the people in the chat room suddenly started to type vigorously?

『nooo don't trust them husband!! you're literally digging your own grave here! (QAQ)』

『kaaaiiiii i know you were stupid but i didn't know you were this stupid』

『watch your mouth! our kai is not stupid, just gullible (ノಥ益ಥ)ノ』

『newbie here. can anyone explain why these guys are so excited???』

『i won't spoil you much, but in the previous seasons, i can't remember which one, a random actor who took the role of the player also followed the same route as kai right now, and well, i heard that someone from the film crewmember even had to enter the VR to save him』

『∑(O_O;) was he tortured?』

『dude, no spoiler please! you're ruining it for me (눈_눈)』

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