25. Q&A

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OG! MC: Ms. (L/n), real-life (Y/n), boss

VR! MC: villainess, reader, game (Y/n)

Q1) The part towards the ending, did the OG! MC want Chen Miao to kill himself in the game all along?

= Yes, she did want him to kill himself in the game, since only when Chen Miao died can she interfere and forcefully log him out.
However, although she wanted it to happen, she didn't actually wish for it to happen THAT quickly, but since Chen Miao had already committed suicide, she just decided to take this chance and interfere with the system to transfer him out

Q2) In the end, did OG! MC delete the VR, her lover's masterpiece?

= Yes. However, the virtual reality world still exists but they do need to build a new world from scratch.
For example, let's say I have a piece of white paper (pretend this paper is a VR) I decided to draw a kingdom on that paper (the kingdom is the world in the VR) then all of a sudden, my love interest doesn't like my drawing so she erased it, but that doesn't mean that the paper is gone and can't be used again. I can still draw a different kingdom on it.
To simplify it, the VR can still be used but the world inside will be different

Q3) Was it OG! MC that turned VR! MC into a yandere or Mikhail?

= Actually, no one made VR! MC turned into a yandere.
OG! MC only used the VR to turn it into a reality show. As for why VR! MC killed the protagonist(Miao)? Blame it on the previous scriptwriter. They wanted it to be that way to make it interesting. However, because VR! MC and Chen Miao were created as lovers. Naturally, despite not remembering anything, she still felt something for him, so VR! MC just assumed that the reason why she desired to kill Chen Miao so badly was because she loved him, obsessed with him, when in fact, the developers modified her to kill him because... well, script.

Q4) Who is our Chen Miao? Is it the NPC Chen Miao or the real-life Chen Miao(Mikhail)?

= the NPC Chen Miao.

Q5) If the VR world is deleted then how can Chen Miao bring VR! MC to the real world? Also, is Chen Miao's interaction going to be with OG! MC from now on?

=The current world is deleted but since the film crew still needed the VR to produce a new season, naturally, the world will be built from scratch but with a different storyline.
Yes, Chen Miao will have to interact with OG! MC for the time being but the real mc in this book is VR! MC, so I won't focus on Chen Miao in the next arc
Also if Chen Miao can possess the body of Mikhail Chen, who's to say that VR! MC can't possess the body of OG! MC?

Q6) Can the game still change reality based on what happens inside?

= In the first arc, why can the game change the reality (note that the reality I mention here is still inside the VR world) is because the scriptwriter wrote it to be like that, but honestly, the game can't change anything (at least not the real world(the world where OG! MC reside))

Q7) Is Chen Miao real or fake? Is he an NPC or a human being? And is OG! MC actually an obsessive person?

= Chen Miao is, originally, an NPC, a fake, until his consciousness somehow possessed the body of his creator Mikhail Chen (a real human being)
Is OG! MC obsessive? Well, you have to judge her behavior by yourself. But if you asked me, judging by her behavior during her screen time, then yes, she can be considered obsessive.

Q8) In the second arc, can we see how Chen Miao brings the VR! MC to the real world to replace the OG! MC? But how? Does it involve any mentions of death?

= I won't spoil what will happen in the 2nd arc. All I can say is that I'm going to focus on mc and her new love interest in the 2nd arc so Chen Miao will seldom have screen time

Q9) I understand that Chen Miao is somehow an NPC trapped in Mikhail's body and he's also in the VR world consistently dying but why? Did Mikhail go inside and then get taken over? Or was that during his time in the VR world?

= Why is Chen Miao constantly dying in the game? Well, the previous scriptwriter wanted to make a plot where a protagonist kept dying at the hands of a villain and the only way to end this cycle was for the player to kill the villain.
Chen Miao took Mikhail's body long before the show started but after the OG! MC decided to make a reality show out of that VR, he found out that VR! MC was chosen to be the villain, so he volunteered to be the protagonist despite knowing he would die at the hands of his beloved. At first, OG! MC refused but she eventually relented after he scolded her.
Afterwards, Chen Miao lived as the protagonist in the VR but he couldn't really do anything since the body was controlled according to the player's decision (if the player looked at MC in disgust then the body would also)
However, occasionally Chen Miao would be able to control the body through sheer willpower (for example, when the player is about to resist VR! MC when she's about to kill them, Chen Miao would harden himself to stop moving, causing the player to be unable to move and die)
The only time he is able to get full control of the body is when the player chooses to delete the game and enter the game world because when the player does that, the protagonist's body will no longer be tied up to the player.

Q10) Who is that sudden appearance of an unknown woman? And did Chen Miao just randomly transport into the real world?

= Sudden appearance of the unknown woman; do you mean that part in the "ending" chapter where a woman came by after Chen Miao killed himself? That was the OG! MC who disguised as the VR! MC (Chen Miao knew she was a fake though)
Did Chen Miao just randomly transport into the real world; he did not randomly transport. Remember that part where the system tried to rewind the time back (because Chen Miao died) only for it to be interrupted (by OG! MC)? That was when OG! MC transported Chen Miao back, because Chen Miao was vulnerable at that time, so he can't really prevent her from doing so like he always did.

Q11) Why did Kai suddenly come back? I thought he was dead or something.

= Kai was never dead to begin with. He was just trapped inside that old television, confined by Chen Miao but the system was able to save him. However, now, with how his incubator turned red, he was no longer able to wake up. There's no way for the system to save him this time (at least not at the moment but we will see in the second arc)

idk when i'll be updating the second arc. my exam just finished and i'm exhausted as hell. hopefully i'll update soon

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