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Gio was punching the hell out of Nico and every just stood by and watched. I didn't like this side of Gio. Regardless of Nico's doing you can't beat someone so much. 

I ran towards them holding Gio's arm, trying to stop him. 

"Gio, calm down." I said as he continued to punch Nico. Nico's blood was everywhere and I panicked. I wasn't used to seeing so much blood. My body was reacting weirdly. 

I was getting random flashback, I couldn't understand any of them. 

"Gio, please." I whispered as everything suddenly went dark.


"Gio!" I shouted as I ran into his arms. He lifted me up twirly me around. I kissed his cheek, his forehead, his nose, all over his face as we giggled. 

"How's my stellina doing?" (little star)

"Good" I replied. 

"How's your birthday been so far?" He asked.

"Good but, I mwissed you."

"I know, I'm sorry I'm late. But I bought you a present principessa."

"Pwesent, pwesent." I said clapping my hands. 

He put me down on the table as he walked towards a big box covered with a pink sheet. 

"Ready?" He asked smiling and I clapped my hands wiggling my feet. 

He uncovered the box and I saw a big toy kitchen. I laughed out in joy and I clapped my hands even more. 

"Happy 3rd Birthday May." He said lifting me up, kissing my cheek. 

"I lwove you Gio."

Everything went black

"Happy 4th Birthday May"

"Happy 5th Birthday May"

"Happy 6th Birthday May"

"Happy 7th Birthday May"

The voices were overlapping each other, and suddenly stopped at 7.

I heard high pitched screaming. 

I was shaking




I covered my eyes with my eyes tight shut. 

The screaming stopped. 

I opened my eyes slowly.


Blood everywhere

I screamed.

My mom-

She was dead.

I fainted. 





Voice were echoing in my head. 

"May, wake up." I felt someone shaking me. 

"Wake up."

I opened my eyes and screamed. 

"Breathe, breathe. It's me. Gio."

I was breathing heavily as my body was shaking. Tears were streaming down my face as I sobbed uncontrollably. 

I looked at Gio's worried expression. 

"Breathe." He repeated and I did. 

I wrapped my arms around him, still sobbing. 

He rubbed my back in a soothing manor. "Everything's ok. Everything ok." He repeated to me. "I'm right here, it's just me and you." He said and I nodded. 

"Me and you." I repeated. 

"Me and you."

I pulled away from him, wiping my tears and looked around. I was in a hospital room. All the other guys were here too, including the Omar twins. 

"What happened?" Antonio asked coming near me. 

"I- I'm not sure. I had some sort of flashbacks when I saw the blood. I don't know."

"What flashbacks?" Enzo asked and I shook my head. 

I didn't want to tell everyone. 

What if it was just a normal dream?

Nothing made sense. 

"Was I seven when I left you guys?" I asked Gio and he seemed shocked. 

"Yes, but I thought you didn't remember?" Gio asked. "It was the flashbacks." I replied. 

Gio got up and started paising around the room. 

"Everyone out." Gio said. 

Everyone looked around and at each other thinking if they should leave, but they left anyways. 

Gio sat back down beside me as he held his hand in mine. "May, I need you to explain what happened. Even if you're unsure just tell me."

I nodded. 

"It started off with us. My 3rd birthday. You bought me a gift, a big toy kitchen set. Did that actually happen?" I questioned. 

"Yes, I was late for your birthday and you were upset with me after. The same thing happened on your 5th birthday, I was late. But this time you didn't forgive me so easily." He laughed to himself. "You made me your personal slave for a whole 2 days. You always were a feisty one." He laughed again smiling at the memory, making me smile lightly too.

"What else happened?" He asked. 

"I heard your voice saying happy birthday and they stopped on my 7th birthday. Then-" I paused. 


"I heard screaming, and when I opened my eyes I saw- I-" Tears were falling down my face as I was struggling to say the words. 

"Shhh, It's ok. Breathe. What did you see?"

"Mom." I said. "She was covered in blood. But then she stopped screaming." I paused. "She died Gio. She died right in front of me." I said as my hands were shaking and I covered my eyes sobbing in my hands. 

Gio was taken aback from my words. He was unsure how to react. I didn't know if this was new information for him. 

I looked up at him. "Is that how she died? Did someone murder her?" I asked but he didn't answer. 

He was frozen. His eyes were blood shot red. 

"Gio." I said shaking him slightly.

"Gio." I repeated.

He got up and stormed out. 

I was about to get up when the others rushed in stopping me. Enzo shouted at me for even trying to get up, as Alia sat next to me comforting me. 

What is this new life?

What is happening?

Or what has already happened?

I was lost in my thoughts when remembering Gio and Nico's fight. 

"Antonio." I called and he immediately came towards me holding my hand. 

"Why was Gio hitting Nico?"

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