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Everyone was sitting in silence as Dad enters the living room where we are all now sat. 

Everyone had different reactions to the news, Toni being the loudest. He had a whole fit breaking everything he saw. I would have tried stopping him but I couldn't bring myself to. I was afraid he'd snap at me. 

On the other hand, no one dared speak to Gio right now, he was a ticking time bomb which could explode any second. So we all kept out distance from him. 

Dad eyed everyone in the room knowing something was off. I mean the fact that we called him was enough for him to get suspicious, because we never have him around during our free time.

He's a mood spoiler. 

We tried once and he caused a huge argument.  

Enzo quietly handed him the report paper which Dad read and nodded. "So you all found out." He said. 


No one said anything. 

"May knows the reason behind it." Dad said making me look down. 

"I don't believe that that is the reason." I replied quietly. 

"What reason?" Toni asked and I shook my head. "Don't ask Toni, just don't." I replied my voice shaking slightly. 

"May-" I cut Toni off. "Don't force me to say it. We don't know for sure what happened, and I won't tell you until I'm fully sure."

"She had an affair." Dad said making my eyes widen and so did everyone else's. 

"No-" I was cut off by dad. "May, there's no point hiding it."

"You have no evidence to prove it, you can't slander mom like that!" I said raising my voice slightly. 

He just ruined the image all the boys had of our mom. 

Toni had his hands in his hair as he paced around. "You're lying."

"Why would I?" Dad questioned. 

"Because you've always been a liar." Toni hissed getting in his face. I got up lightly moving Toni out of dad's face. 

"Don't believe what he said. Don't. Not until we find some proof." I said gently to all of them. "Please don't picture mom in a bad way."

"Why are you all listening to May? The person who wasn't even there. How would she know if what I'm saying is a lie? She's never even met her mother." Dad said defensively. 

"Why are you so eager to make use hate her!" I turned to Dad. 

"Because she's worth hating!"

"What about you!" I yelled making everyone silent. "What about you! Huh? You killed her, does that make you a good person!" 

Everyone was silent, even Dad. 

"You are no hero for killing her." I whispered loud everyone heard. 

"You're a demon who hurts everyone around you! You abused Gio, you killed mom, you signed me off for marriage! You have no right to say anything bad about mom!" 

Tears were streaming down my face as I left the living room going straight to my room, locking the door behind me. 

I leaned against the door as I cried and cried. 

This was probably the worse day of my life, and the truth is yet to be uncovered. 

It's only the beginning and it's broken everyone, no one knows how to react or who to blame. 

I had my knees up as my head rested on them, as tears continued streaming down my face. 

I ended up drifting off to sleep. 


When I woke up I was still on the floor, with no idea how long I slept for. 

I checked the time to see it was now morning. 

I freshened up, and wore a normal hoodie and shorts. 

I threw myself on the bed not knowing if I should go down. After everything that happened yesterday what if they don't want me anymore? 

They all have the same blood except for me. 

I heard a knock on the door making me get up and unlock it. 

The door opened to reveal Marie with her smug face. 

I was in no mood of handling her bitchy attitude so I walked past her making my way downstairs. 

She followed behind. 

She's really starting to get on my nerves now. 

"You broke your word, again." She said from behind me. 

"Is that the only thing you can say?" I questioned as I continued walking. 

"You weren't sleeping in Mr Romano's room." She said ignoring my question. 

"Cry about it." I replied. 

"You broke your word, I will have to tell the boss about this and he will make your both move out together." 

That's when I snapped. 

I turned around smacking her across the face. "Don't you threaten me! Do your fucking job with your mouth shut Marie!" I yelled. 

I gripped the back of her hair pulling on it to make her look at me. "If I hear any unnecessary words come at your fucking mouth don't blame me for what will happen next."

She understood what I meant very well as the fear was visible in her eyes. 

I let go off her hair and she bolted away from me instantly. 

I turned about to go into the kitchen when I saw Nico leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He was watching it all. He had a slight smirk on his lips which made me roll my eyes as I began walking past him. 

He grabbed my arm pulling me back so I was in front of him. 

His scent was intoxicating me, and his heat felt like it was burning me. His whole presence was making me unaware of my surroundings as I stared at him, and only him. 

"Feisty one, aren't you?" He said. 

It took me a while to process his words as I blinked, moving myself away from him like I'd just come out of a spell. 

"She was annoying."

"You handled it well baby."

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