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I had no idea how to react to what Nico just said.

I thought the guy didn't speak let alone speak so gently to me.

I mumbled a small thanks and pulled away from him walking away into the kitchen.

What else was I supposed to do?

I saw all my brothers, except Gio in the kitchen. Making me gasp lightly in realisation.

I didn't even go check on him last time, I was too busy crying for myself. He must have gone through so much and I wasn't there for him.

A sudden feeling of guilt hit me as the guys eyed me weirdly.

"You good?" Romeo asked and I nodded making my way to Gio's office.

I opened the door to see that he wasn't there and I instantly panicked.

I ran back to the kitchen and asked where Gio was but no one knew.

I ran up to his room barging it open without knocking, and saw Gio putting on his watch by his dresser.

I sighed in relief as I leaned against the wall.

He eyed me weirdly but didn't say anything. I took that as a hint that he didn't want to speak but I wasn't going to leave.

"I thought you'd be in your office." I said breathing slightly heavily and he shook his head.

He wanted me to leave, but I wasn't going to.

I've grown to understand Gio a lot. His body language and silence say what his words don't. Like right now, he's not speaking to me hoping that I would leave.

But I'm just as stubborn as him.

I walked up to him and stopped right beside him, as I faced him and he faced the mirror.

"I'm not leaving so don't try to make me." I said and he sighed.

"May, not ri-"

"Yes, right now Gio." I interrupted him.

"You always do this to yourself. You want comfort and you want to talk but you don't. When will you realise that there are people here for you who you can trust?"

Gio turned to face me. "You're asking someone who's trust has been broken since he was a kid to trust?"

"I know it hard but-"

I was cut off by him. "Hard doesn't even describe this May. A father is supposed to be a role model for their son, someone who they look up to and can share things with. Instead mine has constantly lied, abused, and betrayed me!"

I didn't interrupt him since I knew he needed to speak about this even if he was coming off harsher then he knows right now.

"The father who I was supposed to fucking trust abused me. He had no mercy at all. He would have beaten the rest if I didn't stop him. I stopped him." He paused.

"I stopped him so he beat me to take his anger out whenever they did something wrong."

A light gasp left my mouth at his words.

"I did it all just so they wouldn't feel the pain I felt, the longing I felt. I did it so they had the capability to trust. I lost that the day my father first laid his hands on me." Gio said looking straight at me.

It's the first time I've seen his emotions unmasked. The pain in his eyes was visible, and it hurt. It hurt me to see him like this.

But without him knowing he just put his trust in me by showing his emotions and telling me about his past.

Gio went and sat on the edge of the bed with his head slightly down now.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have spoke to you with such a tone." He said.

He had nothing to apologise about. He needed to stop holding everything inside of him, and he made a great start.

I walked up to him wrapping my arms around him as his wrapped his around my waist.

He wanted to be comforted without any judgment. He's been hiding emotions for so long because that's what he's been taught.

He never had a childhood, and out of us all he deserved one the most.

He sacrificed so much for us and we didn't even know.

"You have nothing to be sorry about Gio. We should say sorry to you." I said and he held onto me tighter.

"We don't deserve you." I whispered but he heard as he lifted his head to look at me.

"Don't say that. I'd sacrifice my life for you all, especially you May. I'd do anything for your happiness."

"See but you're wrong. My happiness has you written all over it. So for me to be happy you have to stay with me forever. That means no sacrifices." I said and he smiled lightly.

"I love you so much my Stellina."

"I love you too Gio."

He got up picking up a file.

He's back to business mode now.

"I got a lead." Gio said making me confused.

"Of your biological father."

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