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The fluorescent led lights hung from the ceiling, changing the atmosphere of the whole club to match the current song. The electric guitar started playing the song's intro, just as the light tech dimmed the lights, and suddenly, everything was dark. The music kept playing, slowly getting faster as it prepared everyone for the song's climax. A couple of led lights started shining and flickering intermittently, illuminating different parts of the club for just a couple of seconds. The music kept getting higher and faster until it reached its climax, and suddenly, the whole room was illuminated. Small silver lights, some dimmer than others make an allusion to the night sky filled with stars.

The beat dropped and the flickering lights continued, switching between silver and light blue, giving the whole place an ethereal feeling.

I had started jumping around and dancing at some point, without really being conscious of what I was doing; I was too busy smiling like a fool and looking at her. The way her body moved, her lips slightly parted as she breathed in a good amount of air so she could keep on dancing and jumping.

She was beautiful. Mesmerizing.

My heart was beating quickly against my chest, and my throat was drying up, due to my decision to not stop dancing until she did; and I knew she wouldn't stop, given half the chance. I hadn't had any alcohol, as I didn't get drunk during the season because I was sure that if I did I would have one hell of a hangover in the morning, but I didn't need any alcohol to enjoy this moment. I couldn't bring myself to care about anything but her. Not about the way I was slowly running out of breath, or the thin drops of sweat running down from my hairline. It was like I had forgotten about everything that burdened my mind every day. Every single regret and stupid decision that haunted me was just gone.  All I could think about was how beautiful she looked there, dancing like nobody was watching. Or even better, like everyone was... and she didn't care.

That moment was what I had been waiting for for years and years, and I simply couldn't bring myself to turn away from her.

It was the happiest I had ever been, there was no doubt in my mind about that. And it was all her.

She kept her eyes closed as she moved, so she wasn't aware of how closely I was watching her. I swear I was paying so much attention to her every detail, I could've noticed the smallest eyebrow twitch.

I could ignore everything and dance all night with her, as long as it meant I would get to watch her glow with happiness all night long.

She always irradiated life, but at that moment, she was shining. Who knew what was going on in that head of hers?

It was perfect. Just her and I, even though we were surrounded by people.

God, we were so alive.

I hadn't managed to get rid of the grin that had been tugging on my lips for a while now, no matter how hard I tried to look less foolish. But honestly, I was glad I couldn't get rid of it, it only meant it was genuine happiness.

"Will" I hear her voice ask, snapping out of my daydream.

"Sorry, yeah?" I ask, realizing I had been so caught up in her glow, that I hadn't even heard her speak the first time.

She laughed and shook her head slightly, "I said what are you looking at."

"You, of course. It's always you, Becca." I say, and I don't think I have ever uttered truer words.

Becca shook her head again, a grin plastered on her face as she blushed from my comment.

Another upbeat song started playing. "Dance with me!" I exclaimed, taking her arm and pulling her towards the center of the dance floor and placing my hands accordingly. One on her waist and the other one still holding hers to the side. A slow dancing position.

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