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I checked my phone for the first time since I sent the texts to Julie just as Nate and I were walking inside of my building. 

The text had been sent half an hour ago, and it only said one thing: "He's on his way." 

I stuffed my hand into my purse, trying to find my keys, but a familiar voice made me turn around. 


Will was walking through the building's glass door, and quickly catching up to us in the lobby. 

He was a mess. He looked like he had barely taken off his equipment before coming here. 

"Are you okay?" Will asked Nate, coming to a stop just in front of me.

Nate nodded. "I'm fine," 

Once Will was convinced his brother was fine, he turned to me, and I had never seen so much anger in his eyes before.

"How could not tell me about this?" He questioned, and I realized it wasn't anger that was gleaming in his eyes. 

It was hurt.

He was hurt I hadn't told him. 

"Will..." I started, but Nate interrupted me.

"It wasn't her fault, Will. I made her promise not to tell you, I didn't want you to know." Nate insisted.

The hurt in Will's eyes turned into real anger as he switched his focus back to his brother. "You what?" 

His voice was cold as ice. 

"Calm down, Will. I'm fine." Nathan said, identifying the source of Will's anger. 

He was worried and hurt, he just didn't know how to react. 

"Don't tell me to calm down, Nathan. What the fuck were you thinking? Why the fuck would you not want me to know? It's my fucking job to take care of you, Nathan, and if you're in a fucking car accident I should be there." Will exploded. I had never heard him curse so much in a single breath. 

"Calm down, Will," Nate repeated.

"Don't fucking tell me to calm down. What happened? Were you speeding? On the phone? Did you drink?" Will interrogated Nate, yelling in a way I had never heard from him before. 

Nate didn't answer, it was pointless. 

"What the fuck happened, Nathan? Answer me, damn it!" Will bit out. 

Nate's face turned somber. "You can be so much like Dad sometimes." 

Will took a step back as if he had been physically hit by Nathan's words. He opened his mouth as if he wanted to speak, but no words came out. 

It was a low blow, even in this situation. 

Nathan and I both knew that Will's biggest fear was turning into his father, making the same mistakes. Nate had chosen those words knowing what they would do to his brother. He had intended to hurt Will the way his accusations had hurt him. 

I shoved my keys into Nate's hands. "Go upstairs, Nate." 

"Will, I..." Nate trailed off, clear regret written all over his face. 

Will turned around and put even more distance between the two of them. 

I walked closer to Nate and squeezed his shoulder. "It's okay, go now." 

Nate looked at me with desperation. "I didn't mean it. I swear I didn't." He whispered, barely audible.

I nodded. "I know. I'll make sure he knows, too." I assured him in the same hushed voice. 

"It's not true," Nate whispered again. 

"It's alright. Give him some space, okay? I've got him. Now go upstairs." I insisted.

This time, he listened.

Once I was sure Nathan was gone, I walked over to Will who was standing in the middle of the lobby, staring at nothing in particular. 

"Hey," I put a hand on his shoulder and made him turn around to face me. Still, he wouldn't meet my eyes.

"Will..." I took his face in my hands and forced his eyes to meet mine. "You know it's not true. He didn't mean it." 

Will blinked a couple of times. "What if he did?"

I shook my head, keeping my hands on his face. "He didn't. You're nothing like your father, Will. Please believe me." 

His eyes met mine again and there was so much hurt in them I almost wanted to cry.

He nodded slowly, but I wasn't sure he believed me.

"What happened?" He whispered, his voice such a heavy sound. It was concerning. 

"He called me and told me someone had crashed into him. He said he was okay, that only his neck hurt, and that the woman in the other car wasn't moving. I told him not to move, and that I would be right there. I called 911 and told Julie what was happening. She told me she would tell you and she lent me her truck." I started telling him, trying to only give him the facts and not my thoughts or feelings about the matter. 

"I should have told you, Will. It was my responsibility, and I made the wrong choice. For that, I am truly sorry. You had the right to know." I added, and I meant every word. I had made the wrong choice, I had no right to keep this information from Will, but all I could do was try to apologize now.

Will didn't say anything.

"I drove over there and checked the other driver's pulse. She was alive. I then checked on Nate, and he seemed to be fine. His neck injury didn't seem to be serious, but I made him wait until the ambulance came so that other paramedics could make sure he was okay, too. After he was cleared, he talked to the police and the insurance company. The cars were towed, and the police said the woman driving had been drunk. Nate didn't do anything wrong, Will. It wasn't his fault." I continued speaking, now looking at the ground. 

"I texted Julie with the update and drove over here. Then you arrived, and you know the rest." I finally looked up at him to see his reaction. 

He had every right in the world to be mad at me, but I selfishly didn't want to see it. 

But once I looked up, he didn't look mad. 

He looked sick.

"Will?" I frowned, walking closer to him. 

His skin was pale and shiny with sweat, and he seemed to be very concentrated on breathing.

"Are you okay?" I asked, and he took one of my hands and pressed it to his chest. His heart was beating incredibly fast, and his hands were shaking. 

"I..." Will exhaled. "Cant. Breathe." 

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