Chapter 8

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My classes went by like a blur.

I don't even remember what I did or what anyone said.

I just thought about the different ingredients I need to bake a cake in every lesson.

I've never tried baking a cake.

I should make Maxwell bake a cake with me.... Okay maybe Max ain't the best option if I wanna make something that's actually edible.

Roman makes more sense. Hopefully.

I pulled myself back to my physics classroom to see Lennox talking to my teacher.

"Nice of you to finally snap out of your daydream." Len smiled when he realised I'm frowning at him slightly.

"What are you doing here?"

"It's lunch."

Lennox and I walked to lunch together.

"Have you ever been into a school fight?"

"Uh no." I can tell he's lying.


"No. I get into a fight literally everyday." he shrugged.

"That's the spirit." I nodded approvingly. "I've never been in a school fight. What does it feel like?"

"Adrenaline rush and all that shit."


"Mmhm. It's really satisfying to punch someone."

"I wanna punch someone." I decided.

"I can arrange that for you." he gave me a playful grin and hung an arm around my shoulder.

That's a very boyfriend-kind of thing to do.

But obviously he's not my boyfriend.

He reminds me of Asashi from Japan. Asashi's not my boyfriend either. He's a really good friend whom I met a long time ago.

"Just you wait, darling, I'll bring a school fight to you."

"I'll hold on to your word for it."


Lennox did indeed bring a school fight to me.

He didn't just bring one, he freaking started one.

Okay maybe he didn't exactly started it.

Let me tell you a little history about this school.

My brothers- all of them with the last name Rossi- used to be the 'ruler' of the school because they were hot and popular. Students were either head over toes for them or they feared them like a mouse feared a cat. They and whoever their girlfriends or partners- if they even have one- are nicknamed as the 'King' and 'Queen' of the school.

That is, until Maxwell graduated

There were no other Rossi after him so the students from different sports teams started to think themselves as the next 'King' of the school.

Especially the football team.

I lost Lennox in the midst of the crowd in the canteen so I was kinda lost when this tall blonde approached me.

He was tall, but he wasn't as tall or well-built as Lennox- which made him not very intimidating.

But he had a group of friends with him.

The moment he approached me, I saw another group of boys from the other corner of the canteen standing up.


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