Chapter 15

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"I CAN SHOW YOU THE WORLD." I sang loudly as I danced along the street.

Lennox is boring.

He's walking like a normal human, his hands in his pockets, with a faint smile on his lips as he watches me dance around like a monkey.

I wiggle my fingers in his face. "SHINING SHIMMERING SPLENDID."

"C'mon Len," I slowed down to hook my arm around his. "Sing with me. Stop being a boring retard."

He raised his eyebrows.

"Pleaseeee." I pouted.

"I'm not singing and dancing in the middle of a street." he deadpanned.

I puffed and unhooked my arms around him. "Well, you're just boring."

Then a thought appeared in my head.

"In that case, I should just ditch you and find Mingze instead." I hummed. "He's way funner than you are."

"Mingze?" he repeated in disbelief.


"Fuck him." he growled. "You wanna sing, let's fucking sing then."

A smile grew on my lips as he started singing and pulling me along.

We skipped down the streets, enjoying the time of our lives.

A few minutes later, I pulled Len into a coffee shop.

"Another coffee?" He looked at me amusingly. "Didn't you just finish one a few hours ago?"

I waved him off. "A few hours ago is like days. Besides, I need the energy."

"Wouldn't jelly beans be better then?"

"I'd buy them but I'm broke." I shrugged.

I'm not broke. I just didn't want to use my money.

"I'll buy you jelly beans," he offered.

"In that case," I pulled him out of the shop. "Since you offered, of course."




I glared at him and he glared at me.

"Do you like roses?" I asked randomly once we're done glaring.

"Not really."



"Then what do you like?"

"Carnations. The purple kind." he smiled sadly for a moment.

"A carnation guy, I see." I grinned. "I like irises. I have a best friend from Japan. For a period of time, I lived with him and his family in Tokyo. I fell in love with the little irises they planted around the house. It was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes upon."

Staying in Japan was a dream.

Entering the candy store, Lennox paid for my jelly beans so I secretly bought him snickers- his favourite- even though he placed them back to its original spot multiple times.

He can't complain if I already paid for it.

"I hate maths." I spoke again. "I don't even know why it exists. Like solve your own goddamn problem. No one wants to help you find your x. Move on and enjoy your life."

Lennox chuckled.

I think he loves to listen to me rant more than talking to me.

"Oh did you know Rowan found a duck?" I told him out of nowhere as we went onto a train. "He lost it though. But then I found it in my room the other day. It's like the furball knows where I live! I literally came home for a peaceful night and bam, that ugly thing stood in the middle of my room, waddling around as if it owns the place."

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