Chapter 43

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Haruto POV

My head hurts.

I feel like I've tripped over the stupid extra step in the movie room in the Rossi's mansion and stumbled into the popcorn machine while it's still popping popcorn.

And I'm cold.

It wasn't the usual cold that Kyian loves to sleep in but freezing cold like I'm sleeping in a fridge.

Despite not wanting to move, I forced myself to open my eyes while I curled into a little ball.

I need heat.

When I opened my eyes, I found myself in an unfamiliar place. Where am I?

I pushed myself into a sitting position and ignored the throbbing pain in my head.

Something popped out from my shirt.

I screamed. I panicked and pulled whatever it was out from my shirt.

"Oh." I blinked at the sight of the yellow duck. "あなたは私を怖がらせました." (you scared me)

Furball only stared back. At least I'm not alone now.

I moved to pick him up and winced at the sharp pain from my ribs.

Frowning, I pulled my shirt up and holy mother cows-

Bandages wrapped around my ribs. I look like a mummy.

Ki and I should dress like a mummy for halloween!

I looked around and took in my surroundings. I feel like I'm living in the bunker in maze runner. There were nothing in here but two beds- one which I'm on and the other empty. There was a rubbing bin next to that bed and nothing else.

I think Ki made me watch too much Maze Runner. I swear he's obsessed with it.

Did I go into another world? Zombie apocalypse? Hell yeah!

Then the door opened.

Two people in coats entered the room. In between them was an unconscious boy being dragged along.

I scooted away from them and pressed myself against the wall like I could disappear.

Where is Delilah? Where's Kyian? Where's my family? Where am I?

The people in white paid no attention to me. They dumped the boy's body onto the opposite bed and left.

I stared at the boy.

Is he alive? Is he going to turn into a zombie? Should I run?

The boy was on the very edge of the bed. What if he falls?

Wordlessly, I got up and got near him.

This is stupid, Ruto. What if he comes back from the dead? What if he bites me?

I shook my head. No. He's just a human....or is he?

Ignoring my Naruto in my head, I poked the boy's arm.

Nothing. No reaction.

He's probably dead. Weapons. Oh we can use the dustbin to defend ourselves.

黙ってナルト. (shut up naruto)

My Naruto scoffed.

Don't worry. Naruto's my conscience. He's kind of like Naruto, he loves to challenge and fight me. That's why he's called Naruto.

I sighed and pushed the boy so he wasn't on the edge anymore.

Still, he laid moveless.

He's definitely dead.

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