|| "Is She That Good In Bed?"

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December 26th, 2019


Y/N Crimson lives up to her reputation — fiery AND hot. (in many aspects)

America's sweetheart Evangeline Silverthorn and Britain's Blessing Y/N Crimson seem to be more than 'old friends' reunited. Maybe the distance created a powerful attraction between the two, because — whoa! At the Yule Ball, the pair couldn't seem to keep their hands off each other, getting hot 'n heavy.

Rumours say: that before sweet ol' Evangeline — Brightest-Witch-Of-Her-Age, Hermione Granger had a passionate romance with Y/N Crimson. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree; this is reminiscent of (still on-the-run criminal) Caspian Crimson. He had a peculiar reputation with the ladies of Hogwarts in his years of youth, which spiraled into his adulthood and brought up one of the greatest dating scandals in Wizarding World history!

Miss Evangeline can't seem to get enough! They're seen together frequently. Each time, Crimson left wearing a vexed expression. Images attached below show the fiery girl screaming at the sulky-looking Americana. Even with her short temper and vicious behaviors, Evangeline can't seem to get enough.

Which begs the question — is she that good in bed, Silverthorn?

Anonymous student says they saw the two at an Ilvermony party. After a few drinks and sneaky touches, Thornfield leads Crimson into her room . . . you can imagine the rest. The couple seems to have started their relationship with a bang, with its progression growing fast.


     Harry and Ron slammed the paper in front of Y/N. Who had bags under her eyes, because she may or may not have drunk the entirety of her secret alcohol stash. She furrowed her eyebrows at them and groaned, "What?"

     "What?" Ron pointed to the big bold letters of ink on the paper. "You explain what!"

     "You slept with Evangeline?" Harry said Evangeline's name like it was anathema.

     "Huh? What . . . no — pfft," Y/N stumbled over her words. Harry and Ron didn't seem convinced. She pushed her plate aside with a soft groan and read the papers. "Oh, shit."

     Harry sat down and crossed his arms over the table. "So it's true?"

     "It's hogwash," Y/N grabbed the paper and burnt it in her palm. "Utter. Fucking. Bullshit."

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