Chapter 1.

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The first thing that popped into mine when Vinny tried to remember what his past was, "You're so cute!" Vinny was known as a cute boy. But now as a high schooler he hated being called cute. Many girls had crushes on Vinny when he was younger. Until he was 13, Vinny like that he was cute. But when 9th grade started, suddenly all his friends grew taller. They grow stronger, they grew smarter, and they grew prettier too. Vinny wasn't any of that. One of the many things that people said were the reasons that Vinny was cute was height. Vinny was only 158cm at age 14. Vinny was always the same height as his classmates until he was 12. But now, he was an ant compared to his giant friends. Vinny's big black eyes, small face, hairless body, big smile, and his skinny physique contributed to his reputation as the, 'Really cute guy.'  Vinny had a hook nose, but people even found that cute. Vinny's skin was tan but he was naturally very pale. Vinny still had a lot of friends but he couldn't escape a day without being called 'Shortie.'  Vinny wasn't bullied though. Was that because he was well liked or because he was friends with Peter? Peter, Vinny's best friend since 2nd grade, was a giant for his age. Peter was 196cm at only 15 and had some muscle. The combinations of those 2 things made Peter one of the most intimidating people at school. But Peter has glorious blonde curly hair. Joseph, Vinny's 2nd best friend since 4th grade, was still considered short. He was still taller than Vinny at 169cm. Joseph was very proportionate with long legs and a face as small as Vinny's. And the last friend of the quartet was William. William, Vinny's best friend since 5th grade,  was 176cm, and the smart one of the group. He had a A in all grades except for P.E where he got a B+. There was a 5th member, but she made new friends and stopped talking to them. That was a few years ago.

Vinny, Peter, Joseph, and William were walking around in a mall on a Monday morning. Vinny was on Peter's shoulders. He was playing with Peter's hair. Peter scoffed at first when he picked Vinny up. He said, "You barely weigh anything!" Joseph replied, "Dude, he's probably half your weight!" William laughed at that. Vinny probably was half of Peter's weight. "If we want to get those new jackets we should run. Have you read the newspaper? In another state, a person was trampled on and sent to the ER trying to get these jackets. Also you should not run with people on your shoulders, that's dangerous you know." "If I course I haven't heard, no one reads the newspaper anymore." "That's what you think Joseph." Vinny was let down off Peter's shoulder as if he was 5. Vinny said to the all of them, "If I may ask, why do you want these jackets again?" They all looked at Vinny. Peter spoke first, "They're super popular!" "They're cool as hell," said Joseph. "We just want them," said William. After going on the escalator they all ran to the store. Peter went back and grabbed Vinny because he was the slowest. Good thing they were all 'sick' and got to skip school to 'recover.' The store was empty and the 4 of them got to buy jackets. Vinny uttered with his kind of high voice, "If Peter grows even more he can't wear the jacket he just bought." Vinny was right, Peter was only 15. He would definitely grow a few more centimetres. All of Vinny's friends seemed to change except for Vinny himself. Vinny's voice was still high, he was still the height he was in 7th grade, his shoulders were narrow, and he looked the same since he was 5. William said while he adjusted his glasses, "We all might outgrow these jackets, we'll maybe not you Vinny." The quartet went to the food court of the mall. Peter got a pizza slice, William got Chinese food, Peter got subway, Joseph got Popeyes, and Vinny bought a small burger from Burger King. Joseph saw Vinny's small portion of food. "That's why your so small, you eat so small!" William pushed his glasses up and they knew what he was about to do. "You can eat a small proportion of food and still increase your height. Height actually involves many things." Vinny made a fake smile and said, "It's okay William, he was just joking."  William continued, "Height derives from sleep, genetics, activity, and what you eat!" Peter finished his pizza, "Let's have ice cream after this." The rest of them hurried to eat, they were always down for ice cream. William and Vinny went first, William was the richest so he was always loaded. The worker has pink hair and blue eyes. She was young, maybe 20. She looked at William and then at Vinny. "What would you 2 like?" Her voice was polite and professional. Vinny talked first, "I would like the-," he jumped so he could see the flavours, "I'd like the Cookie 'n Cream in a cone, please." William said after, "Mint chocolate also in a cone." "Thanks for paying for me, William. My mom said I should save up if we're going to Disney land this summer." The employee got up quickly. "You're not brothers? I thought he was 15 and you were 12!" said with her mouth on the floor. They got their ice cream, but Vinny was still thinking about what the employee said. Vinny wanted to grow badly. He used to drink a full cup of milk everyday and only ate chicken. But that didn't work. Vinny had given up on growing taller at this point. He was still embarrassed about his height though. "Thank you for buying me ice cream, William." Vinny always said Peter was waiting for Joseph. "Since you had a cookie maybe you don't need an ice cream."  Peter had money but was a little stingy. Who could blame him? He made had been making his own money he was 13. He had to lie to get the job, but who cares? The law? Who cares? The employer who could be arrested? As if! Peter was still making a $9 every hour! "Why are you acting as if you're paying for it? Let's just pay for our ice cream." Peter and Joseph went to the ice cream. William whispered to Vinny, "Mr. Fitzgerald said I'm allowed to skip homework if I'm sick." Vinny took a lick of his ice cream. "I know, Rachel already told me." William was silent. "You, you still talk to Rachel?" Vinny nodded. William was silent yet again. When Joseph and Peter returned William turned to them. "Have you guys been talking to Rachel?" They booth shook their heads. "You have to talk to Rachel first, she's shy I guess." Peter sat down, "I guess people can change." Joseph took a bit bite of his pistachio ice cream with lips. "She was the most outrageous person in the group, how can she be shy now?" William pointed out, "I heard she had a boyfriend." Peter said rather quickly, "Where would you hear that?" "Hailey, she said she heard from one of Rachel's friends." Hailey was one of William's 4 sisters. Hailey was William's twin sister. William was the older twin. "You're lucky you have so much sisters, there's always good gossip at your house." "It's usually about you Peter," William said quickly. Vinny told everyone, "Y'all need to calm down." Peter, Joseph, and William all got calls. "It's my mom." Joseph looked up, "It's my mom too!" William said less worried than the others, "It's my dad." Vinny didn't have a phone since his parents were strict.  Maybe that was why Vinny was so small. His mom stayed fit when she was pregnant with Vinny. His parents said they would only give Vinny a phone if he was in a major accident. The 4 of them ate their ice creams and ran to their bikes outside.

Vinny on his ride home realised he had to buy a notebook for school. He pedalled to the nearest store, the drug store. Vinny entered and saw everything but a notebook. Makeup, toys, pet supplies, actual medication, and food. No where did Vinny see school supplies. Vinny looked at the clock on the stores wall, he had time. He looked in every aisle, nothing. He went to the door and realised right next to the door there were school supplies. Vinny just grabbed the notebook that was his favourite colour, magenta, and went to the check out. The cashier looked around the store, "How old are you by the way?" "I'm 14." The cashier quickly checked out Vinny's notebook, probably because she was embarrassed she thought Vinny was a kid. Vinny came back home at 12:37. No one was home. His mom let him skip school because Vinny faked his temperature to be high. Everyday Vinny's mom would check his temperature, today it was 38°C. He bought a heat pack and taped it to his forehead as he slept. Vinny went into his room. His room was neat and full of books. Since he had no phone or computer, Vinny had to read. Vinny set himself into bed. A nap wouldn't hurt. Vinny waited for a few minutes, but he fell asleep pretty quickly.

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