Chapter 5.5.

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It was the end of 5th grade. Rachel was the leader of the group. Rachel's skin was very tan, as were the rest of the groups skin. "Come on guys," Rachel stood on a bench, "let's go exploring in the woods!" She pointed to the woods behind the school. William, who was just added to the group, said, "Isn't that kind of dangerous?" Rachel shrugged him off. The 5 of them sneaked out of their houses at 10pm. They all had flashlights. Vinny wore pants and a long sleeve shirt under a jacket even though it was summer. He was scared. Rachel was running ahead of them all. She was basically jumping. Rachel yelled, "Guys catch up!" Vinny, Peter, Joseph, and Peter all ran. It was very dark so they bumped into Rachel. "Guys wait!" Rachel yelled. Suddenly they all fell into a deep hole. Was it deep? They were only 5th graders. William's broke his glasses on the fall. Vinny and Peter were helping William. Rachel didn't really seem worried when she said, "Guess we'll be here for a while." Joseph started yelling, "Help!!!!" No one came. Everyone in their neighbourhoods were sleeping. Peter collapsed onto the floor and felt something. Peter immediately stood up and yelled, "Ants!!!" Peter was covered in ants. He was swiping them off but they seemed to multiply. Vinny pointed his flashlight at the ground of the hole. "Peter you were sitting on an ant hole!" Vinny felt ants on him too. He was trying to kill each ant one by one but that would take too long. Vinny took his jacket off and covered the ant hole. Peter stated, "We have to get out of here!" Peter has gotten the ants of and was clearly panicking. Peter crouched, put his hands together, and commanded, "Vinny got on my hands!" Joseph also put his hand, "You're not that strong." Vinny put his feet on their hands. They were lifting him up. Vinny put his hand out and tried to reach the ground if the path. Vinny could see the path if he put his head up. "May you raise me higher?" Joseph yelled, "This is as far as my hands can go!" "My hands can go higher but you might fall and you wouldn't be able to stand on Joseph's hands." William was sleeping, somehow. Rachel was braiding her hair. Vinny put both of his hands on Peter's hands and Peter separated his hands. Vinny was rising again. Vinny put his hand on the ground. 'I can actually make it,' Vinny remembered thinking. Vinny was smiling, he and his friends could get out of the hole! Vinny looked back at Peter. "Just a little higher!" "This is the max my hands can go. I can push you but you might fall and I don't want that." Vinny nodded at Peter. Peter basically threw Vinny up. Vinny landed on the ground of the path. "I'll get you help soon!" Vinny started running when he suddenly heard a noise from behind him. 'What is that?' Vinny saw a hoof and shrieked. The wild boar saw him too. The boar started running towards him. Vinny screamed and looked around. Vinny tried to outrun the boar for a while. He had been running for a few minutes. He remembered thinking, 'I should be home soon, then I ca-.' Vinny felt his foot land on nothing and he fell into a hole. The same hole he had been in. Vinny looked around. The rest of them were sleeping except Peter. Peter patted the area next to where he was sitting. Vinny sat next to him. "Good night." Peter was already closing his eyes, "Night."

Vinny woke up. It was bright. The others were also awake. They were all yelling. A head popped from the surface. It was William's mom. Her face had freckles from the sun. She ran every morning at 5:30 to work  out and distress. She spoke with an accent from the South, "William Nevada! I thought you were in your room! And you dragged others into this mess? This is going to take so much apologising to their parents to make up our image in this neighbourhood! You are grounded after this!" Rachel was laughing a little. After they all got out Vinny was allowed to skip school. Vinny's mom went to Rachel's house to speak with her parents. Vinny heard a knock at the door while his mom was out. William was at the door. "My mom made me come here to say I'm sincerely sorry for what I've done and I'll never do it again." Vinny laughed. He stopped when he heard his mom Rachel's parents yelling at presumably Rachel. "Poor Rachel." William replied, "She's the person that got us into this mess! My glasses are broken and I have to get new ones tomorrow! I wish I lived with my dad." William pouted. William's parents had just divorced last year. Vinny didn't know what to say so he ended the conversation with, "See you at school tomorrow, William." Vinny spent the rest of the day at home reading the books he liked.

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