Chapter 5.

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Vinny was happy. He had became friends with Rachel again, he had just became friends with Jackson,  he might be a friend of Honey, and with the help of the notebook he finally grew. He had to grow taller. Tomorrow was the height and measure day in Gym. 'Maybe I can change some other people's pages so they can become taller. I should make myself 1-3 centimetres taller. I want people to think that I had a growth spurt.' "Honey, what are you thinking about?" Vinny's mom's eyes were on the road but her attention was on Vinny. "Sorry mom, I'm thinking about stuff." Vinny said still thinking. "Thinking about what?" Vinny couldn't say, "I'm thinking about how tall I should make my friends and I using a magic notebook. for tomorrows height and weight measurement at gym." What should he say? Vinny said almost in a whisper, "I'm thinking about the height and weight measurement." His mom patted Vinny's shoulder with her left hand. "Vinny, it's okay if your shorter or skinnier than most people. What matters most about a person is their personality." Vinny's mom was right. 'Oh no. Should I have even changed my height? Well, I can't go back to being 158cm. So I rather stay this height or grow.'

When Vinny arrived home he went straight to the notebook in his room. He opened to his page. 'Something here is different.' The difference was his measurements. They were all smaller. 'Weren't my thighs 33cm? Not 32cm... My waist is 43cm now? Is this because I grow 2 centimetres but my weight is the same?' Vinny got the pencil and increased his weight to 36.5kg. In 7th grade one of his old classmates that later moved told Vinny, "Your body is so cute as it is." Vinny had eaten big lunches to try to gain weight in the past. He asked Peter is his body was cute because it was skinny. "I guess so, it makes you look like a kid." What was that girls name?
Vinny could hear the front door downstairs open. "Vinny! It's me, Peter!" 'Peter? I didn't know he would be c-, I need to hide the notebook!' Vinny heard footsteps coming up the stairs. Vinny looked around the room. He quickly and roughly threw the notebook under his bed. The door opened and a loud thud erupted. "Ow! I always forget that I'm too tall for your house." Vinny laughed. "Vinny, you need to change it up. This room has looked the same for years." Peter was right. Vinny, or more so his parents, kept his room neat and almost empty. Peter picked up Vinny like a cat. "I came because something really stranger happened." Vinny nodded. "Rachel, she went up to me and said she should hang out again." Vinny looked up. "She said she doesn't know why we all stopped hanging out, but neither do I or the others." Peter let Vinny down and laid on Vinny's bed. "This is small." "You're legs are just, long." Peter turned to Vinny. "Do you know why Rachel became so, distant?" Vinny thought about the notebook. The words. 'Became distant in 6th grade.' Vinny felt nervous for some reason. "Did we do anything to her?" Peter shrugged his shoulders. His legs were hanging over the bed. Peter said, "Maybe it was something she did. Don't you remember all the trouble she was in?" Rachel was more adventurous than the others. Rachel liked to go exploring, in areas with Keep Out signs. Vinny was thinking about the most infamous time Rachel was a troublemaker.
Peter grabbed Vinny's shoulder from behind. "Are you thinking about that time we all fell in a hole and we're stuck there until morning?" Vinny nodded. "I was mad at her for that. But I got over it when she bought us ice cream." Vinny and Peter laughed. Vinny went back to thinking as Peter went to the bathroom. 'That was a crazy night, huh?'

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