Chapter 9: End of Term

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Harry snatched up a copy of the Prophet at breakfast, and promptly choked on his pumpkin juice.




Over the course of this academic year something terrifying has been stalking our students in the very halls we have all once called home; Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Children have been petrified: literally! Ominous messages written in red paint were displayed upon the walls for all to see, claiming the Chamber of Secrets had opened once more.

The origin of these terrible tragedies was a cursed object that was attacking students. Luckily, one clever and brave child faced down the cursed device, and recognised it for what it truly was! Harry Potter, the Boy Who Lived, wisely sent the cursed object away from Hogwarts and into the care of his guardian, Lord Black, who promptly destroyed it, thus ending the reign of terror.

But how, you may ask, did the object enter Hogwarts in the first place? Hogwarts, allegedly the safest place in Britain has not had its wards renewed for nearly ten years! This reporter is scandalised to discover that the Hogwarts Board of Governors has refused to pay for curse breakers to renew the ward schemes, claiming budgetary deficiencies despite the Headmaster's yearly requests.

I ask you, wise and caring wizarding folk: would you put a price upon the safety of our children?

Harry cackled aloud, and several classmates slid further down the benches to get away from him.

"This is shocking!" Hermione exclaimed, reading the paper over his shoulder.

A flurry of ginger hair and freckles barrelled into him.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" Ginny Weasley cried, hugging him so tight he could barely breath. Then she blushed bright red and sprinted out of the Great Hall.

"She's totally mad," Ron commented around a mouthful of food, baring the mush for all to see. Harry exchanged a grimace with Hermione.

"Ready Potter?" Wood called. Harry stood up and saluted him. Time for the final Quidditch match of the year.

"Yes sir, captain sir!" he cried, and followed the Gryffindor team toward the changing rooms. Hopefully he'd be able to avoid any rogue bludgers or bucking brooms.

They were playing Ravenclaw today, and the Gryffindor team was frankly superior. Fred and George were menaces on brooms, the three female chases were ruthless and fast, Wood was so determined to win he would block the quaffle with his face if he had to, and all that was left for Harry to do was stop the Ravenclaw seeker, Chang, from getting the snitch.

Harry was flying loop the loops when he saw the snitch. It was hovering by Chang's left ear. If she turned even slightly, she'd immediately see it. So, Harry performed the most logical action that he could think of.

"Wooo!" he yelled, tilting his broom forward and accelerating toward the ground. He could hear shouts of glee as the Gryffindors thought he'd seen the snitch. He shot past the Ravenclaw keeper, causing him to spin wildly on his broom.

"Oi!" he yelled, but Harry was gone. The ground was drawing nearer and nearer. One glance was all it took to note that Chang was hot on his heels, and he abruptly drew up.

"Hi!" he said. She stopped next to him.

"Did you catch it?" she asked, bemused as the game continued playing.

"Catch what?" Harry asked.

She stared at him. "The snitch..."

Harry waved his empty hands at her. "No."

Chang narrowed her eyes. "Bloody hell," she hissed, and flew away. Harry grinned. He glanced about the field, noting the snitch had moved once more.


It was hiding behind the Gryffindor goals. He casually flew up over the other players, starting a loop of the pitch. When he deemed that he was sufficiently close he spun, speeding toward the tiny golden ball. The snitch ducked and dived but Harry was determined, weaving in and out of the goals and colliding with a quaffle that had made it past Wood. Harry dove, this time for real, getting closer and closer.

"Yes!" He snatched it out of the air, holding it up for all to see, and the stands erupted.

"Harry Potter has caught the snitch, Gryffindor win, 260 – 80! What a brilliant game that was, brought to you by the handsome Lee Jordan, and let me tell you that we all know who the real star player is! Angelina, light of my life, Quidditch Queen and chaser supreme, will you go to Hogsmede with me?" Lee boomed over the speaker phone.

"Jordan!" McGonagall could be heard over the sound of laughter. Angelina hovered in mid-air, posing thoughtfully. Students stamped their feet in the stands as they waited for her to make up her mind. Finally, she waved at the commentary booth and held out both hands, thumbs up. The crowd cheered, even the mopey looking Ravenclaws.

Harry swooped down to the ground.

"Good game Harrikins!" twin one cried.

"Excellent flying!" twin two agreed.

"Bloody brilliant!" Ron said around a mouthful of unknown edible substance. Harry beamed as Gryffindor stormed the pitch, lifting him onto their shoulders. Now all he had to do was get through the end of term exams.


"Weasley, what would I get if I added powdered gundleroot to a shrinking concoction?" Weasley gaped at him, and Severus rolled his eyes. "Nothing to say? I suppose it was optimistic to hope for an intelligent response." He spun to face the Slytherin side of the room.

"Mr Malfoy?" Draco glared at him, and crossed his arms. Severus frowned. Draco could usually be counted upon to answer. "No?"

Draco opened his mouth to speak, and nothing came out.

"Someone silenced him, sir, and no one can remove it," Greengrass explained.

Severus wondered if he should feel guilty for leaving Draco silenced for nearly a week, but found it rather amusing that none of the older students had felt inclined to help.


"About time!" Draco hissed, and every face in the room fell as he regained his voice. Not even a single Slytherin seemed pleased that he could speak once more. "And it would explode... obviously."

"Five points to Slytherin," Severus awarded. Draco might have been a little twerp, but at least he knew his potions.

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