Chapter 10: Double, Double, Toil and Trouble

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Harry flopped onto a seat on the Hogwarts Express, feeling like he been runover by a dragon.

"That potions exam was vicious," he muttered.

"Oh, I can't remember if I included the fifth step in creating a forgetfulness potion!" Hermione worried, rifling through a book.

"Eh," Ron said. "At least they're over now."

They were done. It was end of term, they'd finished exams, and Harry was about to spend his first summer holiday with Sirius. He couldn't wait.

"Isn't there a quicker way to get back to London than this?" he complained. Hermione opened her mouth to speak, but surprisingly it was Ron who answered.

"The Knight Bus will take you anywhere really fast, but not everyone would fit on it. Mum used it a lot when we were kids. You just raise your wand, and think of trying to get somewhere." Ron shuddered. "It's a right joke though, though I was gonna die last time I was on it. Not worth it."

Harry huffed. "Stupid magical transportation." Baneofallrodents stroked his cheek with her tail to soothe him.

The mirror in his pocket buzzed, and Harry withdrew it.

"Sirius?" His godfather was looking entirely too panicked for anything good.

"Pettigrew's escaped!" Sirius growled.

"Oh no, oh no, oh no!" Ron shrieked. "He's coming for me! After all this time sleeping in my bed, he's coming for me again, oh no, what am I going-"

"Stupefy," Harry muttered, and Ron collapsed to the floor. "Please, Sirius, continue."

Sirius' lips twitched in what Harry thought was amusement. "Did you just stun Ron?"

"If I say no, will you believe me?"

Sirius grinned. "I suppose I'll have to." Hermione was quietly snickering in the corner. She levitated Ron onto a seat so that he was slumped over 'asleep'. "Now, be on your guard when you get off the train. Remus and I will be waiting for you under the sign for the platform, so come straight over, okay?"

"Roger that," Harry said, and slid the mirror away. Hermione picked up a book, and Harry grabbed one of his own, hoping he'd be able to enjoy a peaceful ride back to London before becoming immersed in the chaos of living with Sirius.

"Potter!" Malfoy spat, barging unannounced into their carriage. Harry sighed.

"We're busy right now, Malfoy, so just go away." He made a shooing motion with his hands. "We'll assume that whatever it was that you came in to say was suitably witty and your goons cackled in amusement while I flushed with indignant embarrassment and rage."

"I-what?" Malfoy said.

"Yes yes, you're very scary, off you pop now." Harry flicked his wand and a blast of wind blew Malfoy out of the room and into the corridor, slamming the door shut behind him. "Colloportus," Harry muttered and the lock clicked shut. The door knob rattled several times, but eventually Malfoy stalked away.

Hermione gave him an appraising look.

"You've really improved with your studies lately." Harry flushed. "Were you holding back before?"

Harry smiled weakly. "Well. I wouldn't say holding back... exactly," he hedged.

"Harry James Potter!" Hermione growled, and Harry was lectured about academic achievement and reaching his potential all the way to Kings Cross. He even considered waking Ron up, but realised that just meant two of them would have to suffer. He then considered jumping out of the carriage window, but figured he was just making Voldemort's job easy for him.

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