Chapter 11: The Old Meddler

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Harry ambled down the stairs for breakfast, Baneofallrodents curled around his waist. She refused to leave him alone since his kidnapping. He wasn't going to object. She had likely saved his life.

Mimsy had cooked pancakes for breakfast, and Harry tucked in. There were loads left, and he realised he must have beaten Sirius to the table, an unusual set of circumstances. There was a slam of a door, and Harry grinned. He hoped into the pantry, pulling the door shut behind him. He'd wait until Sirius was sitting down, then jump out and surprise him.

"Please, take a seat," Sirius said, and Harry froze. "Coffee, tea, anyone?"

"I'll have tea, milk, two sugars," Dumbledore said.

"Black coffee," Snape snapped.

"Coffee for me as well, thank you Sirius," McGonagall said. Harry debated his options. Jump out, or listen to them?

"So, Severus, what's your report?" The decision had been made for him. How could Harry resist such an enticing invitation to eavesdrop?

"The Dark Lord called me two days ago. Both Pettigrew and Barty Crouch Jr were dead."

"Crouch Jr?" McGonagall exclaimed.

"The Dark Lord did not see fit to elucidate me on the means of his survival and escape of Azkaban, and it is currently irrelevant," Snape drawled. "I believe Potter's snake poisoned them both, and the Dark Lord too. However, Nagini's venom was used in the Regeneration Potion, so he has a small immunity to poisons, which is why his body has not entirely deteriorated. He believes Pettigrew screwed up the ritual, and the fumes from the potion killed him and Crouch. Obviously, I have not disabused him of that notion. I have been providing him with various potions, but none of them should counter the venom, and so he will remain weak. He has called no one else to him, but Lucius is getting suspicious as the Mark has darkened."

"Serves the wanker right," Sirius growled. "Teach him to kidnap my godson."

Harry grinned. Go Sirius!

"So, Albus, are you finally going to tell us your ideas on the remaining horcruxes?" McGonagall said. Harry frowned. What on earth was a horcrux? Whatever it was, it couldn't be good.

"Now Minerva, it is essential that Harry be the one to find these items, even if we must guide him down that path."

"DING!" Sirius shouted. "Ding-a-ling-ding."

"Unfortunately, I agree with Black. Hunting down pieces of the Dark Lord's soul is no job for a child," Snape interjected. Harry bit his lip to keep himself from shouting out in agreement. Dumbledore was completely barmy! He hadn't even realised it was possible to lose pieces of his soul.

"Don't you dare try to feed us some cock and bull about a prophecy," Sirius snarled. "Tell us, or I'll feed you truth potion myself."

There was a long pause in which Harry could imagine Dumbledore's outraged look. He almost hoped they did feed him veritaserum.

"And I'd help him," Snape said, and Harry grinned.

Dumbledore sighed. "Very well. The new wards have detected the presence of a horcrux with in the school."

"And you didn't think to tell us!" McGonagall screeched. "You've finally lost it!"

"We'll collect that later. Continue," Sirius said.

"I believe them to be items from Voldemort's past, stored in places of great importance to him. Most likely three; the book, a locket that once belonged to his mother, and a ring that belonged to his grandfather. The book was given to his most trusted follower, Abraxus Malfoy, passed onto his son, Lucius. One item is evidently stored in the first place he called home, and one item stored somewhere relevant to his history. Perhaps the town his parents grew up in..."

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