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Dark clouds rolled up the sky, covering the sun and engulfing the whole kingdom in a gloomy Sunday, thunder came next rolling and almost shaking the ground the wind blew strong rattling the windows, the young servant came out rushing to pick up the clothes they hung to dry, some servant comes and go seeking shelter from the sudden pour of rain. It was a heavy rain, something that is very unusual in the kingdom of Solvira in Summer, It was as if someone had displeased the sun Gods, their anger and displeasure caused rain and thunder, it was still a fine day just a few minutes ago, and now the rain had started to pour unforgivingly.

Now a rain in Summer is a bad omen for the princess and her people as it often brings bad news, this have already happened twice in a month.

The first was when the news of the death of the King's son and heir rattled the halls and the walls of the sunspear castle, the bells were rung before the sun could even rise.

News of the death of Prince Khalil soon plague the kingdom like a wildfire in mid summer, The king's favorite son and heir to the throne have died in war, his enemy for some reason manage to drive a spear on his shoulder, he fell off his horse and break his neck ending his life in a swift death. The prince with the golden hair and golden eyes, the prince that was Well Love. Everyone wept that day, mourning the lost of hope, but not Roshanne the princess, no she did not wept, if anything she celebrated in her chambers... Alone, with a bottle of wine that comes from the high castle of Roselwine, that was situated in the west of the Solvira, where the finest wine comes from.

The king had no heir left, no legitimate sons that bore the golden locks and golden eyes that the gods had bestowed upon them, he was just left with daughters, and bastard sons that he fathered from his concubines and paramours, none of them even worthy of the Helios name.

Second, he named a bastard son as his heir... The king must have lost his mind when he did that, appalled by this declaration the common people outcry and protested, when the king had done that he showed their people how he defies their Gods.

And now the rain had once again engulf the kingdom in the midst of summer... And she wonders what news he had brought along.

"Your highness? The bath is ready" Roshanne stared out the window and watched the pouring rain, it's been going on for a week now, the rain has yet to stop.

"Tell me did any of my brothers died again?" She asked her trusted servant; Odette who guided her inside the bathroom, she removes her robe, leaving her naked, her bright golden hair falls flawlessly on her back.

"No your highness, they are still stationed at the golden hills where the war is." Odette replied as she assisted her towards her bath, Roshanne stared at the steaming water, it sparkles like crystal chandeliers and she could see her own reflection, her golden hair were pass her hips and her golden eyes gleams, her beauty was as it is as before, unyielding and like a flower in mid June, it blooms more. Roshanne is the Second eldest daughter of the king and the only daughter to ever posses the blessings of the Gods, she was the true Golden heir. Despite her father's disapproval.

"Then perhaps my father did something to insult the Gods again." She murmurs before allowing her body to submerge in the water. Odette then do her work.

"You're father had done a lot of things to insult the Gods, we don't even know what he did this time your highness, but I assure you it is something you shouldn't be worried about." Odette told her as she scrub her body with the wet cloth, Roshanne only hummed.

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