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Dae sit by the table looking dazed... She couldn't sleep well last night, because the images of the princess on top of her looking so wild kept playing on her mind... T'was the first time she saw that look on the princess, her face flushed, her eyes blown wide... It's... Almost sadistic, she enjoys it when she cries... Why is that? But then again she squirms in her seat, finding herself wet again when thinking of what the process did to her.... She couldn't look at the candles the same anymore... Every time she saw one she remembers what the princess did to her, and it made her throb... She has to squeeze her legs together to get some relief.

When that happened yesterday she thought it would be painful, like how it happened with the king... She thought she would be rip apart again because the candle was big and long... But she wrong, she hadn't expected to feel good, to feel hot.

"Are you alright lady Dae?" She jolt when lady Eleanor suddenly touched her hand.

"Huh? Oh yeah, yeah. I am fine." She smiles at her and looked around the table only to see everyone looking at her with, she suddenly felt anxious... She wasn't aware that it was a custom for the concubines to eat together in breakfast and in dinner. Lady Eleanor said it was the king's order.

"Is the food not to your liking? We could go get you something that you like?" Lady Eleanor offered to her.

"Quit pampering her Eleanor, she's not a fucking baby." Lady Dara spoke, glaring at her, she swallowed and looked averted her gaze.

" Now, now lady Dara, no need for you to be aggressive." Lady Eleanor stated before putting a cut of the bacon she has on her plate to Dae's plate.

" Eat plenty my lady... You'll need it." She said with a wink making Dae smile, the welcoming she received from the concubines weren't exactly warm... Some have already shown their disapproval of her, while some ignores her... And the others like Lady Eleanor and lady Helena have greeted her warmly.

" Forgive her... Lady Dara have always been the jealous type." Lady Helena whispered to her. She nods her head and smiled to her before taking a bite of the bacon.

"What's our agenda for today?" Lady Shawna asked Lady Giovanette who stood as the head of the harem.

"His Majesty won't be joining us for now... He's busy looking for his humored golden bastard. So our afternoon is free... But we are to plan the annual Harem party." The table suddenly grew loud with different opinion of disapprovement.

"Again? Could we still handle that? The kingdom's coffer is almost running out of money because of the war." Lady Eloise stated, she was the one handling the finances of the harem.

" I didn't have a new dress!" Lady Clementine exclaimed.

" Maybe we should move it?" Lady Shawna suggested. Lady Giovanette raises her hand to stop them from speaking.

" Let's ask the opinion of the newbie.... What do you think lady Dae? What do you think we should do?" She tensed when lady Giovanette asked her, why her? What does she know about this?

" We shouldn't really be asking her... She's new." Lady Natalya suggested looking at her.

" What does a savage princess know about this kind of matter? I bet they didn't even do this in their place." The other ladies laughed at lady Hilda's joke.

" That's enough now." Lady Eloise stops them from further more humiliating Dae.

"Well it was true, what could she give us? She's not build nor trained for this." Lady Yvette voiced out before taking a sip of her drink. But they were ignored.

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