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Her nerves had finally calmed down once she's in the room, the beautiful princess, the Goddess that had accompanied her to her room had finally left leaving her their yet she was stuck standing in front of the door, staring at it, wondering would it open again to show the beautiful woman? When she first saw that woman standing beside the golden throne, she thought it was one of the Gods whom they pray to, she never would have thought that it was a princess... Biting her lip Dae finally tear her eyes away from the door and looked in awe at the big room that was given to her, this is nothing compared to her four cornered room in the tower, she could explore this for days! And there was a balcony too! She could freely Open the windows and stare outside, beaming Dae removed her cloak and her shoes, and sighed when her feet met cold marbled floor, she looks down and saw expensive carpet, back in her old room she wasn't even given such luxury, there are sofas, a fire place! A book shelf at the corner, a big closet for her dresses, this is something she was not given in her old room, everything there is of old and ruined... Something befitting her status, a bastard, a no one ; yet here... She is of royalty.

Dae walks towards the bed and put her hand atop it, pressing down to feel the soft mattress and the smooth silk of her blanket, back in the tower, she was only given a small bed with a piece of wood and thin sheet as a bedding, but here she's given a mattress, then Dae turns around and walked towards another door only to realize that it is a door leading to her very own bathroom, complete with toiletries. She won't have to pee in a bucket anymore nor bathe in a big barrel. In the west she considered a luxury if one of the maid allows her to take a bath, as taking the barrel up the tower takes extra job, and getting water is even harder. Sometimes when her father would visit her, she would have to beg him to allow her to take bath, now here she wouldn't even need too. She walks towards the bathtub laden in gold and touch it's surface before deciding to explore more of the room.... But her exploration was interrupted when she heard loud beating of the winds, curious she steps out of the bathroom and went to the balcony and peered into the sky. A strong sudden gush of wind made her step inside again, the sound was louder this time followed by a shriek. Looking up once again Dae saw dragons flying above her... And her mouth went agape at the sight of such beast. There were different sizes, and different form. Some were two legged while the other has four, some are longer and some are smaller, others were big and all are of different colors.

The dragons, the king of the sky and land and the seas... Dragons is what makes this kingdom strong, its what makes them indestructible. Another loud roar echoed through the sky followed by the thundering sound of giant wings, she was expecting to see the king's huge golden beast, but instead she saw something else.

Scale as red as flames, but glimmers under the sun like those of the rubies in the king's Palanquin. It was as large as the golden but this one has scars that you could notice even from the height it was... It's wings so big that the whole place was shadowed by it. The rumbling on its chest could be felt like a thunder... Oh Daw had never seen such beautiful yet terrifying creatures... This one is like a God.

"Wildfyre." Dae jumped startled when someone spoke behind her, she looks back only to see the king himself, Dae's stomach churns and drop at the sight of him, and sudden unwanted memories attack her mind, the kung... She had ridden with him on a few occasions back here in Solvira, and during those time, she had never felt anything but disgust. The king would touch her, his calloused and rough hand would run along her warms with sensual want, he would smell her, he would even dare to kiss her while Dae remain still, frozen in fear... Her head would spin with dizziness because of the close proximity, her nose would srunch up when she smell him.

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