Chapter 17

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The next day, Ayzel was like a bheegi bili (cowered person) in the kitchen. She was cutting vegetables. She could not face Asma Khala properly. But Asma's gait was normal. "Are you fine, Ayzel dear?" she asked politely.

Ayzel bit her lips in nervousness. She asked her nervously "Asma Khala why did not you tell me that Osama bhai (brother) is your son?"

Wow, Osama is her brother now.

"Oh, about that!" Asma started to laugh. " So what if he is my son? He did wrong to you. And I have strictly warned him to behave nicely with you." Asma patted her shoulder. Ayzel did only smile at her affection.

Zain was at home today. On his order, Ayzel prepared chicken salad for him. As usual, he was in the study. He turned the house into his workplace almost.

After placing the bowl on his table, she was about to leave when Zain stopped her.

"Are you certain this salad is pure of extra chilies?" he asked her with pretended suspicious look.

Ayzel eyes widened. So his tail reported everything.

"Ahm.. um.. That.." Ayzel was failing to form any proper words.

Seeing her condition Zain started to laugh, though it was not big.

Ayzel first stayed silent then she joined him too. "I will tell you what happened." with a big smile she came forward to sit on the chair in front of Zain but she stopped in the middle when she saw a serious expression on his face, telling her that he is still the boss.
Azyel was about to stand when he told her to sit. Then Ayzel told him her point of view of the story. " I wish Asma Khala had a daughter too. She would have been my friend here." Ayzel said in the end with a little sad expression.

"Sometimes you need to look wider to find friends in your surrounding." he placed his hand on her hand. Ayzel was taken aback by his action. Her naive self misunderstood his kind gestures. But inside he was making moves to quench his lust.

After a few seconds, he removed his hands. On purpose, he dropped salad on his clothes. He cursed. Ayzel immediately picked up the tissue and start wiping his shirt. And he achieved what he wanted. To keep her in his proximity. Azyel was wiping the stain with full attention while his full focus was on her face.

"Done." she tried to pull back her hand but her charm bracelet got badly struck with his shirt button. Zain shook his head. He was untangling the thing when Azyel pulled her hand with force. As a result of this pushing and pulling Zain's chair got unbalanced and he fell with Azyel on her top.

Erratic heartbeats.

Their breaths were mixing with each other. Zain got more than he desired. He put her hair behind her ear. Ayzel's cheeks turned red in embarrassment.

Slowly they both got up with caution. Zain slowly removed her bracelet. " If things are done with patience the outcome would be worth it. Lack of patience leads to you to loss," he advised himself more than her in his hoarse voice.

"Sorry," she mumbled meekly. And escaped from there.

In the evening some important guests came. Aliya Khanum was dealing with them alone. They come for some business related work. Ayzel was attending to them when she observed the strong aura of Aliya's personality. The two male guests were sweating but Aliya's composure was full of confidence. She dealt with them with great professionalism.

"The deal will be done on my grandson and my terms. We are clear about this from day one." she took a sip from tea.

"Ma'am, please just consider some terms on our side too. Let's negotiate on shares." one man almost pleaded.

"In business, I have never negotiated on loss," she said in a clipped and stern tone. Then she placed her cup on the table.

"You have a deadline of 2 p.m. tomorrow. If I don't receive any confirmation message from your side, then we are done." she stood up.

"Azzam take care of our guests when they will free show them the exit," she ordered her guard and left. Ayzel gave a soft smile to the guests. Their face was laced with worry. The way they requested, Ayzel would have accepted their all terms if she was in Aliya's place.
But Aliya Khanum did not give any ear to their request. And this noncompromising attitude of Skinder's was the secret of their success. Ayzel had even seen many politicians visiting them.


At night a heated competition of carrom was going on between Zain and Burhan. Everybody was enjoying it. Ayzel was enjoying it too. And nobody knows that she is an expert in this game.

"Today the queen is mine Zain bhai," Burhan announced confidently while striking.

"I have been listening to this for a long time," Zain replied in a boring tone. All three elders laughed.

And poor Burhan lost like all the previous times.

"yarrrrr... I was so close to it this time." Burhan cried out. His face was sullen.

"Tsk.Tsk. Baby Burhan is sad now. How many times do I have to tell you that no one is born yet to defeat me in this game." Zain mocked him.

"You are saying as you have played this game with everyone, Sir" This time Azyel interjected.

Everyone looked at her. But Zain looked at her with amusement.

"Are you challenging me to miss Chef?" Zain smirked.

"Well if you saying, so then let it be a challenge." Azyel also did not bend down.

Burhan stood up from his seat and welcomed Azyel. "Come on sister, let's break this hulk-like ego today."

"But the game is not gonna be simple. She has to bet something" Zain put a condition.

"Oh, come on bhai. You are doing it intentionally to scare away her." Burhan said.

"Beta, what bet. Just play it simply." Zikria also told Zain to play without any bet.

"Do not worry Burhan, let him put any bet. But Sir please put something easy, that you would be able to fulfill." oh my, her confidence, it was zeal.

Now they all were surprised. "Sister what are you saying, don't go into the lion's den," Burhan whispered to her. He was worried for her sister. But Ayzel resolute was firm.

"So the loser will fulfill one command of the winner, no matter how hard it would be." Zain thought of something dark.

"Done." something was in Ayzel's mind too. She wanted to take back her original documents from him. She already had the money, only his possession of her documents was stopping her. She always kept them close to her. The evidence of her small achievements, which are bigger for her.

And the game began. Burhan was recording the whole show. Both players made awesome strikes. Now only the queen and a black dice were left.

First Zain struck. He could not take the Queen. But the aim was also now out of Ayzel's reach. Burhan's shoulders slumped down. Because there was no way Ayzel can hit the dice and in the next turn, Zain would finish the game.

But Ayzel's face was still confident. And she did strike with a back angle, and two birds were killed with one stone.

She won the game.

Zain and Burhan, both were shocked. Others were clapping.

"Bravo Ayzel beti, she made the impossible possible." zikria praised her.

And when Burhan came into consciousness he was shouting in joy. He gave bone-crushing hug to her. "I knew it. My sister is a champion." they both gave a high-five to each other. "Dad, Dadi jaan, Asma khala, see a lion has lost his tongue. " he mocked Zain.

"So what do I have to do?" Zain asked Ayzel, accepting his defeat.

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