Chapter 18

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"Loser, Loser, Zain Bhai is a loser." Burhan was singing. He was more excited than Ayzel over Zain's defeat.

"To the next generation of Skinder's, who will watch this video would remember this historical competition. Your ancestor Zain Skinder is defeated by our Master Chef Miss. Ayzel." Burhan said this to the camera through which he was recording the match.

"Bhai your kids and grandkids will enjoy it." Burhan jested.

Zain rolled his eyes. He was masking his expression. But it was a strange thing how he accepted his defeat. And Zikria finally highlighted this.

"My nephew did not destroy the carrom board. Is not it Strange?" There was a hidden taunt in his voice.
Well, it was obvious because the Zain, they knew turned down his defeat by snatching victory from others.

Zain's expression was calm. " Because this time I just have to fulfill a silly command." his eyes focused from his uncle to Ayzel. Ayzel's smile got thin.

But Actually, he lost the queen to the queen of his heart. And he was oblivious to this fact, yet.

"Ayzel this is a one-time chance. Give him something hard command." Burhan put his leg in between them.

"Hey! It's between me and her." Zain scolded him.

"Is my brother scared?" Burhan wriggled his eyebrows.

"Keep quiet you both. Let it be decided by the winner." This time Aliya interfered. "Come on Ayzel Beti, claim your prize."

Ayzel had already decided what she wanted but asked for time till morning.

"I will claim my price when I bring your coffee tomorrow," she told Zain. Zain smiled in astonishment. He and others were wondering what was in Ayzel's mind.

They all did chit-chat and then retired to their rooms.

Zain was lying on the bed when he took out Ayzel's picture on his phone.

"Why losing to you giving me peace?" he asked her picture. "Because of you, I have started to believe in the existence of witches and enchanters. But for how long? Soon I have to break your magic on me. And One day you will lose to me in a game, and then I will claim you." he said darkly, the last part.

The next morning Ayzel reached his study room of course with his coffee. A big smile was plastered on her face.
Zain also welcomed her with a smile.

"Now spill it. I don't have time, so make it quick." Zain told her.

"I want you to return my original documents."

What...she wanted this. Thank God Burhan was not here otherwise he would have hit his head on the wall.

"Are you sure?" Zain was surprised too. He raised his eyebrow.

"Yup." Ayzel nodded her head.

"Okay you will get them tomorrow," Zain told her while wearing his wristwatch.

"What tomorrow? I want them now. You are saying like you have preserved them in the bank locker!" She exclaimed. And scrunched her cute nose. She was expecting him to expedite this task.

Zain chuckled. " I promise you will get them tomorrow at this very time." Ayzel was staring at his face. For he could ask she told the reason.

"You can laugh too. But your tail does not even know to smile." she sighed at the end. She was referring to Osama.

"Are not you too much interested in my tail?"  he interrogated her. As compensation for his delay, he gave her an extra wish.

Shaking her head, she left. And Zain went to his company.

"What?" This big loud question of Burhan could be heard in the whole mansion. Ayzel told him what she claimed while swinging the swing like a carefree child.

"Why are you shouting? I asked what I wanted," she said.

"You asked him your things. I was expecting something big. You could ask him, his company, car or make him do a sweating task. Like he does with me." Burhan was disappointed. It was a great chance to take out something from Zain.

"And what should I do with these useless things?" she laughed.

Her laughing and swinging stopped when Osama appeared in front of them out of nowhere.

They both exchanged hateful looks though did not utter a single word.

"Boss wanted you to come to the company. There is urgent work," he said to Burhan in his deadpan voice.

"But why? I have off today. This is not fair. He can't order me like this" poor Burhan cried out. His lazy ass always runs from work.

"Tell this to the boss. I'm not your P.A." Osama retored.

"Hey, talk to him nicely! And he won't go today. Tell your boss on my behalf. He defeated him yesterday and as a winner, I am commanding that." She arrogantly told it to Osama.

With a foul face, Osama moved out from there. And now both siblings were laughing. Pissing Osama was her favorite task nowadays.

Report of this soon reached Zain's ears. He could only clench his jaw.

"Boss, this tiny girl is going over the boundary. Just allow me to teach her a lesson in our way." Osama showed his resentment. Now Zain wanted to hit his head.

"Osama, just drain your these thoughts in a gutter. It's like I'm dealing with kindergarten kids." Zain gritted and cut the call. A mafia was not used to this childish drama.

At night the whole staff was busy with BBQ. All the servants decided that they would do this party with their money. All contributed and Azyel was the one to marinate all the items. Burhan joined them too. He and Mukhtar Bhai were the ones to barbecue the meat. There was great liveliness. Muktar Bhai with his interesting stories was entertaining the audience. Everyone praised the taste.

Somehow Asma persuaded Osama to join them as well. And again Ayzel and Burhan exchanged a naughty idea.

"Mukhtar Bhai, I think we are short of coals," she said innocently in a loud voice.

"Don't worry we can use Osama. But there is a problem, Osama's anger directly burns the poor chicken before cooking it." Burhan laughed.  The rest of the people joined him too. Asma Khala ruffled his son's hair.

"Who will be burnt whom?" Zain's voice took their attention. "Bhai" Burhan called him in joy.
Soon the owner of the house joined them too. Everyone was so overwhelmed. Asma Khala contended to see him too. As this boy has left enjoying the things for a very long time ago.

Now Zain was grilling the tikka and Ayzel was helping her. They were standing close. Now Ayzel was removing cooked pieces from sticks.

"Won't you let me taste it?" he asked her with fake innocence.

She immediately offered him. But his next movement froze her.
Instead of picking the tikka piece from her hands, he gripped her fingers put the piece in his mouth, and licked her fingers.

"I guess I have tasted the most, lazeez (yummy) chicken tikka ever," he whispered to her.

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