── chapter twenty six

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IT WAS THE day after the party, after vienna found colton kissing another girl. she woke up to a bunch of text messages to her, saying how sorry he was and wants to try again.

she ended up blocking him.

cam made some instagram chat for fans to join, but only her, nelson, cam, lavar and ray can text in it. the fans could only react to the messages and watch everything go down.

it was 5 AM in the morning, vienna decided to go downstairs to make some breakfast and watch the sunrise. she leaves her bedroom, making sure to stay quiet while she walked down the stairs.

she walks into the living room since that was the only way to go outside in the backyard. vienna stops, noticing nelson sleeping on the couch. her gaze softens, staring at him while he slept.

he looked so at peace.

she stops, thinking that it was creepy watching him sleep. she opens the sliding door as quietly as she can, stepping outside.

it was not quiet enough, since nelson sat up, rubbing his eyes. "the fuck? what is the time?" he mumbled to himself, grabbing his phone from the coffee table and checking the time.

5:16 AM

he sighs, about to go back to sleep when he noticed someone sitting outside. nelson looked to the side to get a good look of who it was, his heart beating fast when he realized it was vienna.

nelson swipes up on his phone, immediately texting cam and lavar. doubting that they're awake right now.


yo vienna is sitting outside
while eating her breakfast
answer motherfuckers
i hate you both

why THE FUCK are you awake
at FIVE AM??!!

vienna woke me up when she
went outside

you woke me up too
what is the problem?

should i go talk to her?
liked by cam
wow ok thanks for the verbal

nelson takes the blanket off of him, hesitating whether or not he should talk to her. he took a deep breath before walking towards the door.

vienna sat outside, sitting on the chairs, the sunset was really pretty. she took a bite out of her bagel, placing it back down on her plate.

she heard the sliding door open, didn't even bother turning her head. they sat beside her, she glanced down at their slides.


"i couldn't let you mope around all day, especially since we have games coming up in LA." he told her, making sure to keep his distance so she was comfortable.

she felt her heart clench, the feeling of butterflies swarmed her stomach.

"even if you despise me."

vienna finally looks over to him, tears forming in her eyes. "i don't despise you, nelson."

he looks back at her and they just stare at each other, taking in this moment. oh how they wished they could tell each other how much they miss what they had.

vienna suddenly wraps her arms around him in a hug and nelson was caught off guard. he hugs her back with a smile on his face.

"i'm sorry for ruining things." nelson mumbled as they pulled apart. vienna stares at him, putting a hand on his. "i was so stupid. i was confused and then i said stupid stuff which led to this."

he continued to ramble but vienna cuts him off. "it's okay. i forgive you." she smiled at him, rubbing her thumb on his hand. nelson glances down at their hands, intertwining them.

"there's only you, vee." he whispered, staring at her. vienna's stomach was swarmed with butterflies at this point. "there's only ever been you."

"what about nessa?" she jokes, a grin on her face. nelson didn't find it funny but rolled his eyes.

"nah, fuck her. i'll always choose you." he said, looking back at her. vienna smiled at him, leaning closer. "i still love you so much, vee. i understand if you don't want to give me another chance but i'm genuine about my feelings. it's always going to be you."

she stares into his blue eyes, glancing down at his lips and then back to his eyes. "i still love you too. let's just not rush into things yet, i'm still hurt from what happened last night."

"he was an idiot."

"so were you." she chuckles, tilting her head on her shoulder.

"i know." he mumbled, wanting to lean in so bad and kiss her but he didn't know if that would make her comfortable. his eyes just kept flickering down to her lips.

vienna noticed, grinning ear to ear. "you can kiss me, you know?"

nelson looks back at her, smiling before leaning in, pressing his lips on hers. they let go of their intertwined hands, vienna's hand on his cheek and nelson rests his hands on her waist.

they pull apart, leaning their foreheads against each others. "only you, vee."

roan speaks!
also cam, you better post that video
before monday or else i'm going
to RIOT.

𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐈  ⸻ nelson neumannWhere stories live. Discover now