Chapter One School Transfer

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Chapter One
School Transfer

Clutching the administration paper in my hand for my new school, I glanced at it once more, then stuffed it into my new I love England tote bag. The butterflies in my stomach gurgled uncomfortably, but it was expected. The entire prospect of a new school was irksome. However, I had to move. After what happened at my old school, there was no other choice. No, this was going to be a new start, and I was going to pretend that I was your normal, average Plume.

"I'm off, Mother!" I called from the foyer, stepping into my outdoor shoes.

"Have a good day and please try and make friends!" She called back from the kitchen.

Dressed in a blue and white tartan skirt and white shirt with a blue bow around my neck, I tied my long, black hair up in a bun, hitched my bag over my shoulder, and walked off.

Ichihansu School was only a twenty-minute walk away. There were four main High Schools in the prefecture. Two were for boys and girls; the other two were separated. My previous school was an all-girls school. For my safety and for others, I wasn't allowed to go back. Ichihansu was the nearest mixed school, and I was extremely apprehensive. It's not that I couldn't make friends, but I had to understand the hierarchy quickly. If I didn't, I would wound up at the bottom of the pile and would be picked on. And if I got angry... I would have to move schools again.

As I neared the school, I saw lots of other kids wearing the same uniform as me. The boys were a little bit different, in smart navy trousers and a white shirt, but I saw a few wear cute matching navy ties.

I noticed a group of girls by the gates, they were loud and obnoxious, and thankfully they didn't notice me, and I quickly slipped by. Out of the corner of my eyes, one of the girls managed to grab the back of a weedy-looking boy, probably a freshman. "Oh, look, it's Okida-kun," she snivelled, "what was your power again? Throwing mud around?" The other girls cackled like witches. The girl, who had grabbed him, stomped her foot, causing a little tremor right beside him.

Giving him a pained look, I saw the fear in his eyes as he fell to the floor. Another round of raucous laughter followed. "Well, that's the hierarchy," I muttered to myself, keeping my head down.

The first bell rang, and kids started to hurry to get their indoor shoes on. I brought mine with me. I hated using other people's. Finding a cubby hole, I changed my shoes over and looked for signs for the Administration Office. Lucky for me, it was the first door on the right.

"Good morning," I bowed and slid open the door.

"Oh, good morning," a lady replied. Standing up, I saw her behind a desk. Wearing a navy-blue top with white and yellow flowers, she beckoned me into the office. "How can I help you?"

"I'm a transfer student, second year," digging into my bag, I showed her the letter. She took it and nodded.

"Yes, very good." She quickly printed off a lesson schedule for me. "This is a two-weekly schedule. It shows the times, the teachers and the rooms. Oh, and this list," she gave me another piece of paper, "are our half-days. There's one tomorrow, in fact. They are for teacher training. And there's also our term days, sports events-" she stopped and stared at me. "Are you a Plume, dear?" I bit my lip. I didn't want to tell her. "It doesn't matter if you are or are not in this school. If you aren't, just be mindful that you will be marked out, and it's up to you whether you want to join the school's Noryoku Club. Understand?" I nodded. "Good. Now your home teacher Yokohima-sensei is expecting you, Miss Kirigawa-san. I hope you fit into this school. Good luck."

I was glad that there was no information as to why I had to transfer, and also, there was no information as to whether or not you had a gift. If people knew, I'd be an instant target. "Thank you," I bowed and quickly exited the room. Sliding the door closed, I checked the papers and saw that the first years were on the first floor, the second on the second and the third on the third. "Nice and easy." I was placed into 2:3. I heard the last bell go. It was okay to be a little late on the first day as the teacher had to prepare a seat for me and to get the student's attention to introduce me.

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