Chapter Six A Principal Meeting

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Chapter Six

A Principal Meeting

Waving him goodbye, I went indoors to see my angry mother staring at me. "You back now?" I nodded. "Good. Your father is going to meet us there."

Fear flooded through me. "Us? Do you want me to go as well? I thought it was a parent thing."

Grabbing her handbag and a coat, she pointed behind me, "We're going together. Now."

Not disagreeing, I was frogmarched out of the house, and thankfully we got into my mother's car, and she drove us there in silence.

Turning into the school car park at the side, I got out and instantly felt like a child being scalded for doing something wrong. While technically I had done it, I suppose this was my consequence. I had to own up to it, but the principal also needed to know why.

My mother went straight to the entrance while I brought up the rear. I noticed Dad's car a few meters away from Mother's and met him outside the principal's office. He didn't say anything when he saw me, and I wondered if Mother had already told him what I had done.

Soon the principal slid open the door. The three of us bowed, and she admitted us in. I didn't know the principal; I had not met her, but I was shocked at how beautiful she was. If I didn't know her to be a high school principal, I would have bet on her being a model. With high cheekbones, an amazing smile, glossy dark brown hair and horse-like eyes and an hourglass figure that was covered with a tailored black and white dress, I was envious.

"Good afternoon," she smiled dazzlingly white teeth at us. "I am Sato Noriko. Please take a seat." We did so, and she inclined her head. "Ah, Kirigawa-san," I bowed in respect, "your mother asked you to come, did she?"

Was she a pre-cog? "Yes," I replied.

Flicking her hair out of her face, she smiled. "I'm glad. My assistant will be in soon with your refreshments. This meeting is because of what Kirigawa-san did this morning before class started."

She was a pre-cog. So then, surely, she understood why I did it? Standing bowed. "Sato Kouchou-sensei, I apologise for what I did. I disrupted the beginning of lessons to the point that the rest of the morning classes could not go ahead. I did have a reason; however, it does not excuse what I did."

Sitting down, my mother tapped my knee. "Sato-sama, I hope you realise that there seems to be a girl at this school who inflicts pain. Because of this girl, I had to treat and heal one of my daughter's classmates."

Sato Koucho-sensei clasped her hands and gave a short nod. "Tanizaki Hikaru, yes. We are aware of her and her abilities. We have tried to deal with her indiscretions, but no one will come forward with evidence of what she has done."

I leant forwards. "But you know then," her eyes flashed, and it was at that point she knew I'd gone through her files at school. Pre-cogs were the only ones who could stop me or hinder what I could do. If she knew what I was going to do, she could have easily taken the files off the internet, her computer and stored them in a hard drive that wasn't surrounded by rubber, but she hadn't. She left it on there for me to find unless she really was that careless or she didn't comprehend what I was capable of.

At that moment, a third-year student with blue-tinted hair came in carrying a circular tray with drinks and small cakes. Placing it on the tray, he smiled at us and backed out. "Thank you, Ito-kun." Sato Koucho-sensei said and turned to face my parents. "Your daughter seems to have a quick impression of Hikaru, and due to the circumstances surrounding her, I have to be certain that Kirigawa-san can control her temper." She glanced at me. "It is why you set the fire alarm off, wasn't it? A distraction?"

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