Chapter Ten Saving a Life

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Chapter Ten

Saving a Life

Heading down the now empty corridor, I waited until we were a few feet from homeroom until I said to Hiro, "We'll speak at lunch, okay? I've got a lot to tell you."

Knocking on the door, Hiro slid it open, and Yokohima-sensei ticked her tongue and pointed to our seats. Sitting down, I threw my bag under the desk and, pulling out my textbook, a folded piece of paper came out. Curious, I opened it as Yokohima-sensei started roll call. We need to talk. Meet me by the steps at break. "Kirigawa-san," she called.

"Yes!" I shouted jumping and stuffed the note under the desk. Some people started giggling but thankfully Yokohima-sensei didn't say anything and continued.

As Yokohima-sensei started writing out the lesson plan on the board. Digging for my notebook in my bag, I pulled it out and started absentmindedly taking notes. I felt relaxed in school. The lessons came easy for me. The questions weren't difficult, and because of it, I could zone out and think about everything I learned over the past twenty-four hours. My life was becoming a total soap opera that my mother would watch.

The bell rang bringing me out of my stupor. And like a robot, I shoved the notebook in my bag and throwing it over my shoulder headed out of the room. The next lesson was physical education. My least favourite, and because girls and boys are split for this lesson, I didn't have the chance to speak to Hiro about the note.

Making my way to the girl's locker room, I changed into my kit and shuffled out with the girls onto the track field behind the school. This was the first time I had done any track and field since my last school, and I was so bad at it. My sensei for track and field was a lady called Mai but she hated her name, so it was sensei.

"Right ladies, two straight lines please, one behind the other and let's do some warm up exercises." I felt wholly unhealthy. Usually, I'd start to gasp for air after fifteen minutes of warming up; however, after stretching, bending and doing a few star jumps, I felt better than fine. I felt as though I could run a hundred miles or more. Half an hour of warming up, most of the girls with low agility had turned red in the face and were sweating. "Okay, enough warming up. Everyone, run the track once as quickly as you can. To the starting lines, now!"

"Yes, sensei," the girls replied.

Walking to the starting line we prepared to run. "You sure you can handle this?" I overheard a girl say to her friend. "You don't look well."

"I'm fine," she snapped. But she wasn't fine at all. Her heartbeat was quite irregular; I could sense it through the uneven electrical pulses in her body. I know I shouldn't be doing this, but strange as it was, I was barely using my powers.

I was about to tell her about her heart when sensei set off a small bang from her right finger, and everyone instantly started running. Lagging behind a bit, I started to run and found it too easy to run at the pace I usually ran at, so I picked it up a little and before I knew it, I was overtaking people.

"That's great, keep going girls!" Sensei called to us.

Rounding the first bend the end was in sight. I sped up, knowing that I may be able to finish at least second or third, when I heard a high-pitched scream, "Leena!"

Turning around, I skidded to a stop as the girl with the irregular heartbeat had collapsed to the floor. "Someone, get a healer!" Sensei shouted. A lot of the girls finished, thumping the air, not knowing what was happening.

Hurrying backwards and minding a few girls who were slow, I reached Leena, whose friend started to cry.

"Kirigawa-san, get out of the way," Sensei snapped.

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