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Chapter 05 - A Fierce Enkindling


I didn't flinch at the harsh temperatures in the basement. I didn't flinch when they slammed the metal bars shut. I didn't flinch when the lights flickered off and I was welcomed with darkness.

There was a faint strip of light in the center of the room, barely illuminating the pathway to each cell. Even with my werewolf senses, it was hard to see the insides of the cell they put me in. I waited for my eyes to readjust to the room then walked over to the other side of the cell, my fingers running along the cold bars with every step I took.

It was dead silent but I could feel the presence of other wolves in here. With nothing covering the bars, I could see a crouched figure in the cell to my right and another laying on the bed in the cell directly across from me.

"Hello?" I softly called out to the person crouched to my right. The person gave no indication that they heard me, they just continued to crouch with their backs against the wall looking at their empty hands.

I leaned up and moved to the front of the cell, my eyes finally adjusting to the dark room.

"Hello!" I shouted out to the room, "Mason? Frankie? Anyone?!"

My outburst was met with silence and I was about to shout out again but then I heard a faint voice speak out and my heart clenched at the familiarity.


I looked over to where the sound came from and narrowed my eyes at the figure in the cell parallel to mine. The closer the person came to front of the cell and a gasp escaped my lips.

"Oh my God, Rebecca?!"

I stared in shock at the woman before me.


Tears filled her eyes as she gripped the bars harder, both of us in disbelief at the person standing before us. Below the bruises and scars that covered her face and arms, a consequence of fighting these bastards no doubt, was the same Rebecca that I had known for years.

We had travelled around for a little over three years after Mason found her on the run on her own. Being a rogue wasn't easy but being with people you considered family helped to ease the burden and I considered her the best friend and sister someone could ever ask for.

"We thought... we thought they killed you," I breathed out as my eyes inspected every inch of her face.

"You have no idea how happy I am to see you," she choked out through her sobs, "gosh it's been so terrible. They killed Mason and Frankie."

Tears of my own streamed down my face. So the Alpha was telling the truth; they really killed my friends. A part of me believed it, but there was also a part of me that hoped it was just another lie.

"I'm glad you're okay though," I said before I looked toward, the other cells, "what about Liam, Beth, and Danny? Are they..." I trailed off, a new form of sadness taking over my body at just the thought of them being taken from me too.

"I haven't seen them since they put me in this cell," she stated as she looked around as well.

"I don't know, maybe we -" I was about to say but the sound of the basement door opening hit my ears then the intoxicating smell hit my nostrils. I knew it was him before I saw him. The sound of his boots hitting the floor got louder and louder before they stopped and he was standing in front of me, his gaze holding my own.

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