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35 - Approaching New Flames


     The air held a palpable tension as we all observed my brother frozen by the sight of the two women, everyone standing completely still. Out of the corner of my eyes, men circled us, a precautionary measure I'm sure Haden called on. I felt helpless, but I knew I wouldn't let anything happen to him – not when I just got him back.

My throat tightened up as I watched Haden move closer, moving stealthily towards the women and keeping his eyes trained on Luca. I made a move of my own but as I stepped forward, a hand grabbed my forearm stopping me in my tracks. Quickly glancing around, I narrowed my eyes at James who simply winked at me.

A low growl made me look at the situation at hand, anxiously watching as Haden placed himself in front of Maya. Nothing happened until he sidestepped, blocking Rebecca from Luca's view.

Well, this is interesting.

The low growl that may have been missed by the few of us standing around Luca definitely heard the ferocious growl that sounded when Haden stepped in front of Rebecca. A deep, guttural growl erupted from Luca, and relief washed over Haden's expression.

"Oh, thank God," Haden muttered under his breath.

I raised a brow at his reaction, wondering what on Earth he could be grateful for but then I watched Luca transform to his human form.

"Luca, what's..." I was about to ask then I trailed off, noticing his gaze wasn't leaving Rebecca's. It was as if an unspoken connection existed between them, transcending the chaotic circumstances around us. The next words that entered the space would seal both their fates.


A grin came to my lips at the declaration and the shock on Rebecca's face. Unable to control the overwhelming surge of happiness, I sprinted forward and squeaked as I enveloped her in a tight hug.

"Oh my gosh!" I exclaimed, pulling back to meet her gaze, "we're going to be sisters officially!"

"Wait, I..." she trailed off, her eyes glancing behind me. A flicker of uncertainty crossed her expression, and I turned to follow her gaze. There, standing a few feet away, was Luca, his presence casting a shadow over us. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Haden take Maya to the men surrounding us before he promptly dismissed them and turn to us, his eyes immediately latching on to me and a frown finding his lips.

"How about you introduce me to your friend, Zee?" Luca said, bringing me back to the pair, his voice steady but tinged with a hint of curiosity.

Smirking, I stepped away from Rebecca and said, "Recebba, this is my brother Luca. Luca, this is Rebecca."

Luca smirked as he extended his hand. "Pleasure to meet you."

Rebecca opened her mouth and then snapped it shut again, her eyes darting between Luca and me. "I thought your brother died when you were younger."

I clung to her waist, smiling weakly before looking at Luca.

"We... reconnected a few days ago actually. I thought he died when the attack happened but he didn't. I was shocked, to say the least, but it feels so good to have him back."

Luca smirked at me. "You too, Zee."

Tingles erupted from my neck and I felt Haden's presence behind me, his hand on my neck giving me a comforting squeeze.

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