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46 - Chances Set Ablaze


        In the dimly lit confines of my office, I stared intently at the map spread across the desk. With the word of the Rogue King attacking Mount Luna, he was gaining ground and it won't be long now before he thinks he can challenge this pack again.

My pack.

We were at war, and I was fully aware of the stakes. This constant battle with rogues was relentless. Strategizing had consumed my days and nights, but I would not let this madman conquer this pack. If I died protecting this pack, then I would die. That was my job as the Alpha, and it was one that I will not fail.

The Rogue King will meet his end. Soon.

Determined to gather crucial information from the current operation, I reached for the phone and dialed Hunter's number.

"Miss me already?" James answered instead of Hunter, making me roll my eyes. "I mean, if you missed me this much, my dear, you could always mind-link me. I'm sure you're missing my voice in your head."

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I see all the ice has gotten to your head. Tell me, have your balls frozen over yet?"

"Aww, look at you, all interested in my junk. Don't worry, I'll bring them back nice and warm for you," he continued.

"How's it going up there? Status update," I shifted the conversation.

"We just got settled on the outskirts of the Saros Shadows pack," he answered, his tone shifting to seriousness, "right on top of the hills so we have a good vantage point of the entire land. Who builds a pack in a valley?"

I glanced down at the map, eyeing the area of the Saros Shadows and knew exactly what he meant. The pack itself was surrounded by hilly terrain and had a stream of water flooding in from the eastern area across to the west.

"Any sign of the Rogue King?" I inquired.

"No, nothing on him yet, but there is something weird going on – a gold line shimmering around their pack border. I don't know, it's like it's some sort of protection or something. Stings like a bitch when I touched it – almost like holding your hand over the fire. Ever seen anything like that?"

A furrow creased my brow as I thought of our own glowing border. I had never heard of anything like this, not since two days ago, and if it was also around the Saros Shadows pack then it wasn't a coincidence.

"A few days ago, we noticed a blue glowing line around our pack's border," I informed James. "It hasn't disappeared since. Abigale's looking into it, along with the markings Hunter sent from the Mount Luna pack attack."

James whistled appreciatively, finding the connection intriguing. "Abigale's tales of the Sun God and the Moon Goddess might look a bit more convincing to Cannon now."

"Let's just hope that they disappear for good. All this uncertainty is annoying the hell out of me."

"You and me both, Alpha."

I ran a hand down my face. "Just be careful. I'm not interested in having a replacement Beta right now."

"Aww, look at you, caring for little old me. Not to worry, Hunter will be here to protect me,"

"No, he won't!" I heard Hunter shout and I chuckled.

"That doesn't sound very –" I was about to say when my office door busted open revealing an angry Zara and a depressed Natalia. "Uh, James, I've got to go. Keep me posted if anything happens."

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