| 8 | late

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The sharp click of my black boots echoes through the small but crowded underground parking garage, and right alongside it, Bart's clanky paws

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The sharp click of my black boots echoes through the small but crowded underground parking garage, and right alongside it, Bart's clanky paws. However, both clatters are overpowered by my desperate and somewhat pathetic pleas to a local tailor service.

I cinch my phone between my ear and shoulder. "No, not a t-shirt. A teddy!" I dig through my purse using strategic finesse to keep the phone steady, grip Bart's leash, march to my car, and contain my temper—the latter being the hardest. "I know the site has a list of what you sew, but you can't make an exception?"

The most passive-aggressive and condescending man's voice shoots back at me. "No, ma'am. We only provide clothing services. If you would have taken the time to read our website, it clearly outlines that."

I squeeze my fingers tighter around Bart's leash. "If I said the teddy was part of a fucking hat, would you do it?"

The man hangs up.

"Gah!" I surface my keys from the pit of my bag with a dangerous whirl of force, but my stash of pens follow. The markers scatter across the cement as I reach my car, soon joined by my phone as it escapes from my shoulder. "Goddamnit."

I kneel between my car and the jeep beside it to pick up the consequences of my rage. The cool, dirty cement greets my exposed knees. The greeting is unwelcome, but I don't have time to dwell on the disgusting dirt and invisible bacteria clinging to my skin. Instead, through the scramble to collect the pens, I shove away the gross thoughts and replace them with a warm, thorough shower plan tonight.

With little time, I don't place the markers back in their designated slots. Each pen gets a prompt shove in the open crevices between papers, everything flee-floating until I can rearrange later.

Bart nudges a few pens with his head, attempting to help by mirroring my actions. The sweet little guy does little to assist what he means to help, but it does warm my heart the tiniest bit amidst the stress.

But just a little.

Leaning to the side, I outstretch my arm underneath my car, reaching for the three pens that ricocheted underneath.

But my arm is too short.

"Just perfect," I whisper with a harsh breath of air, leaning deeper under the car to extend my reach. "I'm late because I couldn't come up with shit for work. Nobody will fix Teddy. I've got to spend the next few hours with—"


I bang the top of my head against the car.

Pain ripples through my scalp. "Fuck." I jolt to my knees, and my pain worsens when Hayden's hot self shifts into view at the hood of my car. His toned muscles peek out of his dark shorts and navy tee, the brown scruff on his chin accentuates full lips, dark gushes of smooth hair curl right above his ears, and all the other annoying features collide to add to my stress.

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