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Content Note: If you are uncomfortable with explicit content, there is a fade-to-black scene before the break. Personally, I consider this necessary to the plot, but you can still derive the context from the parts leading to and following the scene.


Before parting ways at the shaft where it forked in three directions, Ryker said to Rhonin, "I'd like to examine Kanden before he goes back; he took a nasty fall up there on that ladder."

Had he been obvious about his shoulder? Kanden bristled and fought the urge to cradle the injured arm. He couldn't afford to be left out of everything now. Not when he'd finally been included and treated like an equal. "I'm fine," he insisted.

Rhonin glanced between them, scrutinizing Kanden for a long time before returning his attention to Ryker with a curt nod. "Yes, I think that's wise. We can use Marina's labs so no one harasses you, and you know those bags will be safe with her."

Interesting. The more time Kanden spent with Rhonin, the less he feared his intensity. His words never went to waste, and he seemed to consider everything from a truly impartial stance, unlike the rest of the Council, who acted with their own agendas, Father included. Well, not Marina, but the others would have disregarded Ryker without another thought.

Despite his earlier misgivings and their rough first encounter, Kanden kind of liked him.

Still, he didn't like the way either of them looked at him like he was something fragile. Why did everyone else get to act tough and shrug their injuries off?

Projecting a confident smile he didn't feel, Kanden attempted to reassure them. "It's late, and I don't want to waste anyone's time. There's nothing wrong."

"Then why do you keep resisting me checking you over?" Ryker asked with a frown. "You never argued before."

Kanden rolled his eyes because it was true, but blurted the first stupid thing he could think of: "We were sleeping together; of course, I didn't argue."

Rhonin groaned and turned away while Ryker curled his lip.

Realizing his mistake immediately, Kanden deflated. "I— I didn't mean that."

"You never do," Ryker replied in a thick voice, blinking rapidly. "You just say whatever you think, and it's okay with everyone because you're so innocent."

Crap, Kanden hadn't meant to hurt Ryker. And his ex's words hit harder than a slap because it was true: Kanden had no filter, and often didn't realize he'd offended someone unless they said something.

"Why do you even care?" Kanden whispered, fighting his own surfacing emotions. "You don't owe me anything. Your involvement with me made you a pariah — wouldn't you rather go your way without me making things worse?"

Ryker shook his head. "You really don't get it. Even if we hadn't been together, I'd have cared because I'm a healer. Per ancient customs, we swear an oath to help others. But to answer the second part of your question, I care because you don't flip off love like a damn lever. No matter what you might think of me, everything I've done in the last three years has been with you at the forefront of my mind."

Stepping into Kanden's space until their noses were close enough to touch and their breath mingle, he continued with ragged breath. "This macho act will harm you more in the long run, and I don't want to see you permanently injured because you let everyone brainwash you into not believing you're enough as you are. So please, for your sake, allow me to examine you."

Defeated, Kanden sighed. "All right."

He fell into step behind Ryker, who navigated the old tunnels as if he'd spent his entire life acquainting himself with the maze-like passages instead of practicing medicine. Rhonin walked beside Kanden in silence, not offering an opinion one way or another.

The Undergrounders: Volume IOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara