004, ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4.

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ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4, getting food.

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Word count: 792.
Warnings: swearing, violence?
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Waking up with a gasp, Sam looked around the room due to a bad dream. "Hey, are you okay?" Richie asked, seeing as his girlfriend looked scared and startled. "Yeah, just a bad dream." She told him, now looking his way. "What are you watching?" Sam asked, seeing as Richie was in his phone with his headphones in. "Oh in, Stab on Netflix. What? I want to be prepared." He explained himself, as Sam held a really look on her face. "Im gonna go find some food." Sam to,d him, getting up from the chair as she swiped her sweaty hands on her jeans.

"Yeah, okay." Richie replied, going back to watching Stab. Sam stood in front of the sink, a small on in the cafeteria. Opening her medication, Sam took a couple of pills and put them in her mouth. Going down to the sink foist, Sam took some water to swallow her medication down. Coming back up, Sam was startled by seeing her dead dam Billy Loomis, standing right behind her. "How are you doing, Sam?" He asked, looking at his daughter. Sam just wiped her mouth with her hands, ignoring his presence because she knew it wasn't real.

"Mmh, Antipsychotics aren't working as well as they used to, are they?" Billy questioned, seeing as his daughter was ignoring him and pretending not to see or hear him. "Fuck you." Sam told him, not wanting to see him at all. "You can't run from who you are, Sam. I'm just trying to help." He told her, as he didn't really move because he was just a hallucination. "Hey, when are you gonna tell her why this is all happening? At least tell Lisa, I mean for god sake she sees Jill!" Hilly shouted, wondering how Sam would tell her sister about this.

Before Sam could respond, her phone started to ring. Sam looked down at it, before looking at where Bully was before to see him gone. Pulling her phone out if her pocket, Sam sees that it could be Amber so she picked it up. "Hello?" Sam asked, wondering what Amber needed her for. "Hello, Samantha." Ghostface replied, their voice mollified to their liking. "Who is this?" Sam asked, walking around the small room because clearly it wasn't Amber. "Some one who knows your little family secret." They reply, scaring Sam a tiny bit.

"You're the fuck who hurt my sister." Sam declares, her back now facing an open doorway. "Oh, she's not the only one I'm gonna hurt. I had to try and get you to come back here some how, didn't I?" They questioned, taunting Sam as much as they wanted to because Sam didn't know who they were, no one did. "You wanna fuck with me, asshole?" Sam questioned, getting annoying because ghostface was pushing her buttons in that moment. "I'm right here, come and get me." She tells them, as she wasn't really scared one bit. "With pleasure!" They respond, closing the open door so then it was closed shut, which had scared Sam.

Ghostface swung their knife at Sam, which resulted in her screaming. Ducking, Sam slipped onto the floor, her phone going to the other side of the room as it was dropped. Grabbing a chair, Sam hides from Ghostaface, who tries to attack and aim at her. Kicking the bottom of the chair, it went flying into the masked killer. Getting up quickly, Sam defended herself from Ghostface's attacks. Dodging the knife, Sam tries ti kept herself safe as the mystery person kept on trying to hurt her.

"Help! Help! Help!" Sam screamed, as Sam tucked herself behind a table to stop Ghostface from getting to her. Pushing the table, Ghostface feel backwards due to it being pushed into their stomach. Running out of the room, Sam scared her head off because she was scared she was gonna die and so was her sister. "Some body, help me. Hess trying to kill me!" Sam exclaimed, as she ran towards the reception area. "Hey, what's going on?" An officer asked, as Sam ran into him by accident. "You're okay." He stated, looking at her to see if she was injured.

"Some body tried to kill in the break room!" She quickly explained, still shaken up about the whole thing that happened milliseconds ago. Pulling out their gun, the officer opened the door to the room to find no one in there but the chairs were everywhere and so were a couple of tables due to the fight, if you could call it that, that happened seconds ago.

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Author note:
More chapters this week! But starting university next week so less will come!
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